
arncore t1_j2ql8ob wrote

Reply to comment by Aseyhe in How do galaxies move? by modsarebrainstems

A bit late but I’ve pondered this question before and finally there’s a relevant thread to ask and maybe have an answer.

Does this mean that over time the denser regions become denser (attracting matter around them constantly) to the point where the entirety of the universe becomes a dense point which condenses into an infinitely massive black hole? Which then collapses and causes a big bang event.

What I’m saying for a while Ive been thinking that the big bang isn’t the creation event. There is no specific “creation” event. The universe expands and then shrinks recursively, forever over trillenia. When it shrinks all life is erased and then life restarts once big bang occurs and galaxies reform.

This is a very interesting relevant article: