
artfulorpheus t1_j28p3ap wrote

This is deeply ignorant of what is happening in Myanmar right now. The military has been commiting genocide for years. Is she Islamophobic and saw the Rohingya as a necessary sacrifice to try and end all the other genocides, probably. But the military pulled the trigger and have made things so much worse. People talk about her not speaking out, ignoring that to do so would only have triggered a coup earlier. It was still wrong, and she's still done reprehensible things, but the whole "lol, shes bad, don't care attitude I've seen is pretty telling."


artfulorpheus t1_ivig6gr wrote

"Not happy" might be an understatement. He saw McGirt as a career defining achievement and seeing it overturned by his peers made him furious. Not enough to, you know, actuallydo anything but enough to write one of the most angry dissents put to pen. Thing about Gorsuch is that he's actually drank the Federalist Society kool-aid and thinks he is impartial and in an impartial system, unlike Thomas, Alito, Roberts, and beer boy.