
ash_274 t1_jda92yv wrote

Apparently the plan was Longstreet's. Lee ordered an attack, but the tactical plan was Longstreet's and Pickett led his division (of the three divisions assembled) in the attack. Lee wanted to accept the blame (initially) for the failed attack after it had been repelled.


ash_274 t1_jda69rf wrote


ash_274 t1_jd6q4ds wrote

They can refuse to recognize it as a valid license to drive a vehicle.

For nearly all purposes, Canadian and American driver licenses are acceptable in each other’s countries as valid ID and proof of proficient driving ability. Ontario can’t ask New York to suspend his license, but Canada can declare his license as invalid for driving purposes.

If you get a DUI in the US in your personal car and later try to drive professionally (class-B or class-A) into Canada, they will turn you away at the border and it’s a huge process to get them to waive the restriction. Doesn’t matter to them if your license is still valid in the US.


ash_274 t1_jbq4btf wrote

My grandfather and a stranger accidentally stole each other late-70s Ford Ranger pickups once. Same paint, same condition, even the same key pattern. He only realized it wasn't his when the fuel tank was lower than he expected and when he stopped at an intersection a pack of not-his-brand cigarettes slid out from under the seats. He drove to the sheriff's office and the other guy was already there. Everyone had a laugh and they got in their respective trucks and went on about their day.


ash_274 t1_jbc87bo wrote

A radio DJ got rear-ended in Los Angeles several years ago and the driver that hit him stayed in his car, kept the doors locked and windows up, and was drinking straight from a bottle of liquor. When the police showed up, they couldn't prove he had been drinking before the crash, since all the witnesses saw him chugging the bottle after the crash. He claimed the crash rattled his nerves so much he had to drink from "the sealed bottle he was bringing home".

Big shock: he was a lawyer.

Plot twist: he was a prosecutor

The story


ash_274 t1_jakbpar wrote

Native San Diegan: May and June are known for generally decent temperatures, but expect high overcast skies, especially along the coast for up to a few miles inland. You'll still have a good time and there's plenty to do, just remember that you can still get a sunburn from overcast skies.

This is the coldest/wettest late-winter we've had in decades.


ash_274 t1_j9rj57w wrote

A few years ago, some guy in Florida tried to lift the wallet from a senior standing in from of him in like at a convenience store.

Turns out the old man was a former Marine drill instructor and Golden Gloves recipient. Took the clerk and another customer to pull the old man off the would-be thief and stop him from punching him unconscious.


ash_274 t1_j849r42 wrote

[Spain also had submarines that were too large to dock at their submarine base (since modified to fit them).

The original design would have fit, but they designed them too heavy to reliably stay or or come back to the surface, so the boats had to be enlarged to solve that problem.](


ash_274 t1_j849pt9 wrote

[Spain also had submarines that were too large to dock at their submarine base (since modified to fit them).

The original design would have fit, but they designed them too heavy to reliably stay or or come back to the surface, so the boats had to be enlarged to solve that problem.](