
asphynctersayswhat t1_jec0rq5 wrote

Yeah, and half our state is employed there and the other half is funded by massholes. This is a good thing for a rural small government state.


asphynctersayswhat t1_jd5x6rp wrote

That’s bullshit. Jimmies is a specifically New England term that has its roots in a confectioner in Rhode Island who used a cheese grater on a chocolate bar to shave on ice cream. His name was Jim.

It’s been retconned by some dumbass virtue signaler to be tied to Jim Crow - New England had no Jim Crow states. I’m all for inclusive language, but it’s dangerous to give people this kind of power over how we speak. Yes jimmies is a trivial thing, but it’s indicative of what misinformation can do.


asphynctersayswhat t1_jbomz7s wrote

I think you miss the point. Show me a reason to spend this money. Show me that people are using Canada as a gateway, and dialing in on the smallest state border, in a state full of armed mountain folk. No. IF some freeloader made it to Canada, they’re better off there than here. And if they are bad actors, they’re safer crossing on the other coast. This is pissing our money away for optics. You want to refute that? Get the metrics on illegal crossings in NH. cuz I’ve seen nothing


asphynctersayswhat t1_jboltu8 wrote

Is he trying to keep people in? I’m sorry I just was unaware that the state with the smallest border with Canada happens to be the crossing point. I also find it hard to believe Canada is full of criminals trying to break into the US. If they did, we’d catch them quickly as soon as they encounter someone and apologize for crossing illegally


asphynctersayswhat t1_j9ucvvs wrote

To right wingers any man who isn’t hardcore conservative is a man-bun wearing basement dweller who doesn’t know their gender. Funny thing though, these basement dwellers are also apparently experts at election fraud, and have stolen several without consequences.


asphynctersayswhat t1_j63rlox wrote

There was an insurrection that day. A failed one but you need to separate the sheep from the insurrection. Most of the idiots there that day were fooled into being a distraction while proud boys and oath keepers infiltrated the capitol. Just because the majority of the idiots there that day were incompetent and clueless about what was happening doesn’t change that people were in the capitol building, ready to use violence, to stop congress from conducting government business, certifying the election and upholding the will of the American people.

These rubes from Hudson are just idiots who worship a conman and got duped into this. But they don’t deserve sympathy. The maga are not our best. They aren’t our brightest.