
attackADS t1_j9mt7e4 wrote

The why tends to be because the government simply incentives/subsidizes unhealthy, addictive foods, which keep foods that make people fat easily accessible, cheap, widespread, and very addicting. See high fructose corn syrup.

Not to be too simplistic, but the why we are fat is directly tied to modern American capitalism/food manufacturing being in bed with the federal government and keeping us fat and sedated rather than well nourished.

Educate enough people on those truths and maybe we can change the system.


attackADS t1_j9m7irg wrote

We really need better education on how physical health improves mental health. Lots of studies out there on how exercise reduces depression, increases retention, helps problem solve, etc., while obesity and blood sugar issues can really impact your mental well being.

Take care of your body to take care of your mind!