
attackula_ t1_j9wn65z wrote

This was pretty good, you're really creative! I like the attention to detail you have in your writing; things from the practiced motions Janet does when on camera to the tail thumps representing Dalia's nodding, those little touches are such a treat. I also really like the addition of the translator and how you used it to dictate the flow of the conversation; it's an interesting semi-framing device, or a double-framing device maybe, as the conversation is happening on live television. Overall, this was a great read, very entertaining. My only gripe was your use of dialogue tags; it's a bit excessive, since Janet and Dalia are the only two speaking for the majority of the scene. It's necessary when the producer chimes in, when one of the characters gestures while speaking, or when the translater is acknowledged. I'd say you should ease up on the tags when the convo is flowing back and forth between the two that are speaking. Again, I was very pleased with what you wrote. Good luck in your endeavors, from one writer to another!


attackula_ t1_j9wl0w8 wrote

The planet Earth is an uncharted planet, believed to be devoid of any sentient life. It lies in a lonely solar system in a silent galaxy called the "Milky Way," in the middle of Nowhere, Space. It was only recently that the Galactic Inquisition of Many Planets, or G.I.M.P., discovered a rudimentary civilization on the planet following the disappearance of the starship, the Righteous Endeavor. Earth is ruled by a species of bipedal, hairless primates related to various monkeys, which we also have in space. They are called Homo-Sapiens, which, ironically, means "wise man" in a basic linguistic structure known as "Latin." Colloquially, the Homo-Sapiens are referred to as "Humans."

The crew of the Righteous Endeavor survived their crash on Earth and, after being assaulted with primitive weaponry known as "Guns," communicated their status as G.I.M.P. operatives on a mission for peace and reestablished communication with their designated mothership, the Supreme Supremacy. Operative reports note many things about Humans and how they behave, most of it harrowing; however, there is one thing that each report mentions: Humans do not possess the ability to Keeneetaa.

Such a revelation may come as a surprise to some and a disgust to others; however, it must be noted that Humans are a simple, unintelligent species whose attempt at sapience comes as an insult to any being with a giant, pulsating brain, which is all of us. Humans have shown themselves to be a violent, warmongering species with a deranged desire to destroy their own planet. They spend their time idly watching others live their lives while judging them from their domiciles, where they lead pointless, sedentary lives. Humans have singlehandedly pioneered several forms of discrimination based on any wildly insignificant characteristics such as the color of one's skin or one's preferred sexual partner. Curiously, there have been Humans who have opposed these injustices, but it does not seem that they are gaining ground in their battle.

That Humans cannot Keeneetaa is a given, they are a shortsighted species with pitifully brief lifespans. However, it should be noted that there are individuals among the Humans who have unlocked the ability; their peers, however, on average, spurn the ideals necessary to Keeneetaa, likely due to a mixture of pride, entitlement, and ignorance. Humans are not a space faring society; they have yet to become a Type 1 civilization. They have, apparently, visited their moon exactly one time, which must be applauded, as it shows that even a broken Glorkcyx is right twice a Flazar. Their inability to Keeneetaa is emblematic of many problems plaguing Humans, the vast majority of which are self imposed. While admirable, their attempt at a global society is riddled with issues caused by greedy individuals extorting their workers and others who are complacent in this evil, having only known this system their entire pathetically short lives.

G.I.M.P. formed due to our collective ability to Keeneetaa. The forces of several galaxies came together after simultaneously reaching the apex of their technological developments and discovering a means to harness the power of entire solar systems; this caused a change in all sapient beings, we evolved to have massive, throbbing brains and telekinetic abilities. There was also a second discovery made at this time; that in order to prosper, the beings of these many planets must become as one and work toward the common good. In short, we learned to get over ourselves, which is the essence and definition of Keeneetaa. It still eludes Humans on a planetary scale, but those few who have unlocked the ability give the G.I.M.P. hope of welcoming Earth into our civilization.