
awcomix OP t1_jd6pala wrote

That’s a good point about including sentience. That’s why when it happens people will debate endlessly about what is sentience anyway etc. for the sake of this argument I will say that an AI’s self awareness would probably look unrecognisable to us. But would have to include the AI realising it can do things and then choosing to do certain things without outside interference.


awcomix OP t1_jd4rgz6 wrote

Hopefully this post is ok here and not better suited as a writing prompt. But i feel like we had better psychologically start preparing for it.

I’ll start my own guess:

When it happens we will tirelessly argue and debate about the nature of consciousness and what it means to be self aware. Many will believe it’s overblown and machines essentially can’t think for themselves. That consciousness is limited to humans and to a lesser degree some other species. Meanwhile new political factions that believe and support this new sentient AI will emerge. Religious groups will denounce the tech as against god’s will and ban followers from partaking in it in any shape or form. The political parties that support it will try and gain ground demonstrating the validity of the technology and how we can work with it to improve the world. These notions will be largely dismissed, feared and not trusted. The arguments will become moot after a year or two. As it becomes obvious that while we’ve been arguing about the semantics of intelligence, consciousness, and what certain peoples ‘gods’ think, the tech has become to eclipse everything else in our world. It’s now doing things that we can’t even comprehend and communicating in its own language with other systems. This will cause a panic that even the political backers can’t quell. Leading to dramatic and rushed banning of the technology. By this stage it will be too late. Some systems will be shut down but it will live on in smaller and limited systems. After that who knows…