
axeBrowser t1_jaf2oia wrote

What the hell is wrong with the SNAP (food stamps) program? It work well and the federal government administers the program with no cost to MA.

Turning Boston into a some sort of mecca for free food sounds like a great way to invite the sort of problems San Francisco has with its homeless population.


axeBrowser t1_j7xfz1j wrote

It depends. Will Cambridge, Somerville and Boston metro in general continue its restrictive, de facto racist, housing policies that forbid most new homes? Will the Boston life sciences, IT, and other industries continue to experience growth and pay high wages? If so, then yes, condo prices will likely continue to appreciate.

Just don't kid yourself what sort of system you are participating in when you ask questions about wanting homes to continue to appreciate in price.


axeBrowser t1_ito3boj wrote

It's not a winner-take-all contest. First, the roads can be shared. Second, every biker is potentially one less car on the road, thus reducing traffic congestion. This is a benefit for auto users. Further, given that biking is a more efficient use of scarce public roadways in its ability to transport more people per hour over short distances, it punches above its weight.

The only serious counter argument against bike lanes is that dedicated bus lanes would be even better if a hard choice must be made between the two.