
b1ack1323 t1_jdhtz03 wrote


b1ack1323 t1_jcd0pen wrote

My eighth birthday, I was walking back to my house from the yard. The rooster started coming after me, so I started sprinting. It was the one fucking day my parents locked the house. Ever. In 17 years living with them, one time.

That rooster clawed and pecked the fuck out of my legs.

It’s okay though, a month later he tremors coming after me while I was riding my dirt bike.

The dirt bike definitely won.


b1ack1323 t1_ixx4k9u wrote

Right, no one camps or hikes.

It’s pretty wild that you think straight stats are FAUX news. Its delusional to think that nearly $400 million in tax revenue and 10% of the workforce is a drop in the bucket. Things like restaurants and shops, are not seasonal. Places like Burlington and Brattleboro are huge hubs for travelers in the summer.

Denying that one of the oldest business models in the world is “not a real business” is just hilarious all by itself. If you just want the whole state to turn into factories and warehouses instead of trees that’s your prerogative because that’s the other big employer of VT.

It’s okay man, the world revolves around you and you get to keep a whole state to yourself, you own it not the fat cats. You and your entitlement.


b1ack1323 t1_ixx0fkg wrote

Restaurants, stores, inns, campgrounds, rental shops, all the people that work at these places….

Who the fuck do you think buys are the syrup that’s being produced?

Those are all run by normal people but okay.

$3 billion spent on those things by tourists every year.

That’s 30000 jobs or 10% of the workforce.
