
bAssmaster667 t1_jae2atk wrote

I was a tattoo artist in the 90’s (damn I’m old…) and Tuesday nights were notoriously slow so I started “School Girl Tuesday’s” come in dressed as a schoolgirl (in full costume) and get half off any tattoo. It was a huge hit and I was busier than ever. I had a guy come in wanting an armband and I had to make sn appointment because I was so busy. He asked what’s the deal with all the schoolgirls and I told him. He asked if fr dressed up can get half off? I told him the better he’s dressed tge deeper the discount. He cane back in I. It’s appointment dressed up 110%… baby doll hooker shoes, knee highs, skirt, blouse, pigtail wig, big fake tits and white cotton panties, makeup lashes and all I did the whole job for free. He sat there for three hours getting hit on by men, women and even the shop cat was rubbing against him… humor is always appreciated.