
b_______e t1_izyft1t wrote

Needham was so bad last night! I had to drive from Needham to Dorchester around 630 and the trip from Great Plain Ave to 128 was just an absolute nightmare, every car just sliding and spinning like crazy. I had to stop and collect myself at one point after a real bad turn. Tis the season I guess


b_______e t1_izybqvi wrote

Quonset, specifically where Lowe's used to be by the rotary, and NEIT's EG campus are the ones that come to mind first, East Greenwich High School has a big campus too with a lot of roads and parking lots that aren't super crowded when school isn't in session, especially during the winter. I know people would go to the Veteran's Cemetery in Exeter and St Joseph's Cemetery in WG too but if you do that try to go to the areas that are less developed to be respectful to families visiting.