
backcountrydrifter t1_jegebyz wrote

I’ll die on the hill of claiming that Vietnamese and Cambodians have coffee dialed.

From the flavor to the coffee shop experience. In a just world, every neighborhood on earth will have a Vietnamese run coffee shop with macarons and the most attentive polite wait staff in the world. It’s an art to them and it should be rewarded.


backcountrydrifter t1_jba7f3v wrote

Obviously Confucius never tried to put together a peer to peer investment program before an entropic world tore itself apart from greed and misinformation.


backcountrydrifter t1_j84xfdk wrote

Raise your lens.

A balloon with an EMP charge on it could cripple 1/3 of the US power grid.

As a SIG-INT ISR tool it could intercept and divert critical defense communications.

N.B.C. Warfare isn’t really my area of expertise, but anything aerosolized at that altitude would be a highly effective weapon.

Xi Jinping said “I will control the internet” and he has a 14 year head start.

There is a lot more going on here than a stray balloon.


backcountrydrifter t1_j27bik9 wrote

At some point people are going to start ignoring the noise of propaganda tuned to 3 minute attention spans and ask one important question.

What is it about Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaparozia that makes them valuable enough for Putin to throw literally everything he has at them?

The initial assault on kyiv was a convenience play. And had the Ukrainians just rolled over and taken it as projected it would have been much easier and less costly for him. But they did not. And now that he is losing Russia is forced to show more of its cards by stating emphatically that these 4 regions are non negotiable.

He obviously doesn’t give a shit about winning the hearts and minds of the “russians” he is saving from western influence and the Ukrainian language. You don’t carpet bomb the population you want to liberate with white phosphorous and thermite.


backcountrydrifter t1_j1mnt50 wrote

It’s not a nationalist thing for me. It’s that the Russian coolant leak at the international space station is a pretty good example that there is no nationality in space. There are just astronauts.

As a species we are far too interconnected at this point for China to have any real unilateral ambitions without cooperation with the rest.

Congress is no solution. They are effectively dead in the water as well.

As a species we are quickly approaching the point where we either do the same predictable shit of world wars, greed , and control… or we learn how to cooperate enough to become an interplanetary species before we finally extinguish ourselves on this planet.


backcountrydrifter t1_j1mgh1l wrote

Without a microprocessor supply chain all of Xi’s galactic ambitions are in lockdown.

Even with it, communism is going to hold him back too much. Governance by decree is a pretty terrible way to run a space program.

If you put one person loyal to the party in charge on the moon or mars and then have to wait for the party to make decisions with the lag/delay of asking for permission from xi it will inevitably turn into a problem.

Life comes at you fast. It comes at your exponentially faster in space.

I’m relatively certain Covid, xi pinning his entire CCP platform to him performance against Covid, and the subsequent years of lockdowns, economic pain, and disparity with the rest of the world will cause enough discontent to kill his ambitions internally.

The world is at a precipice of revolution.


backcountrydrifter t1_ivzt43j wrote

I think I have your number on signal but I’ll DM you mine now. I think we may be able to help each other and most of all, the Ukrainians.

And I have a few connections to share for the financial literacy side too. It’s absolutely embarrassing to me how much we neglect our vets. I will do anything in my power to help You guys right those wrongs.


backcountrydrifter t1_ivz4blf wrote

One of the projects we put together in Ukraine is a direct investment platform for Ukrainian farmers and small business.

Logic being- when war pops off all the bankers run for the coast. And crowd funding dries up like a drought at 90 days. But every war is eventually a war of economic attrition.

Ukraine proved they are stopping, so every dollar invested would be like a bullet shot 3 times.

We put together a portfolio of 7 million Ukrainian farmers that are still farming, they just need operating capital. And 10 million small businesses are supplying them in real time.

My buddy that introduced me to Jake was a CFO for blackrock so we thought- why not cut out the middle man?

Famine is coming. Investing in a farmer at 10% just makes more sense than diluting it into a compromised system controlled by a handful of hedge funds and brokers.

Before peer to peer money transfers it wouldn’t have been possible. But with the technology that comes with a 100% transparent DAO, and using Bitcoin and ethereum as the means to move capital fast with a fully transparent, open source backend and 98% efficient org structure, we could rewrite the rules of humanitarian aid.

From there it morphed into something bigger. Jim Mattis whom I respect immensely, was pulled into the theranos debacle because he trusted “authorities” in the financial sector but didn’t really know blood testing. Who does? Turns out a handful of scientists in that sector of healthcare but not really anyone else.

But if you rewrote the rules to Wall Street so that people could invest directly in the things they know and are passionate about, with a social media platform that looked like Instagram but functioned like Robinhood so you could watch your investment grow, identify issues early and effectively crowd source accountability, you could change the game forever.

And at the same time make waging war so financially unproductive that the rest of the world could just stamp it out by investing in the side of righteousness.

I was hoping to buy you guys a drink in Kyiv and get your thoughts. Nobody knows how predictable war is like soldiers. I think there is power in that and making some incentivized peace while we are at it.


backcountrydrifter t1_ivyvr6i wrote

Small world. Almost met up with you two in Ukraine via Jake

The big question for you both, but Sean in particular- do you think that Wall Street as an institution can be repaired enough to regain credibility or is an opportunity for an evolution to a decentralized format of investing?

Wallstreetbets showed the fatal flaw in over volume trading. In your opinion, can the USGOV / SEC move quickly enough to repair their failings in that arena?