
bad66mopar OP t1_j76spfr wrote

Reply to comment by FineWinePaperCup in County-wide? by bad66mopar

We could break the poster down line by line but I think the main question is if the bathrooms are being locked only at Long Reach or all HoCo high schools. The impetus for the flyer seems to be the bathroom-locking issue.


bad66mopar t1_itedmtx wrote

Reply to comment by Native_Outsider in Leaf burning by [deleted]

Yup, it has been allowed for a long time. It falls under recreational burning and cooking fires as well. Recreational burns used to require a person to obtain a permit prior to lighting the fire. Essentially the only thing allowed without permit was a "cooking fire", which in all reality could be a bonfire as long as you had a pack of hot dogs next to it. In 2016, I believe, the county eliminated the need for a permit, however individuals still needed to follow the rules that were previously outlined for the permit.


bad66mopar t1_irdcr7i wrote

Wings Sport Cafe, 8406 Washington Blvd. It's a dive, but awesome in the morning. A good breakfast menu at low prices, staff is awesome. I go there after a 24 hour shift for a good breakfast and a couple of beers.