
badbender14 t1_j614fk2 wrote

I decided a while back that the way I'm going to handle this sort if thing (as it pertains to Nugent specifically, but ive extrapolated on out) is that I'll continue to enjoy those great songs, but I'm never doing anything that will put any of my money in their pocket. Used records and .mp3's? Sure! Concert tickets? No fucking way.


badbender14 t1_j28so4s wrote

14-19 included a bunch of hair metal for me, which I do still love. But most of what I truly love and appreciate, and listen to more, I learned about later, and was created both before and after those "formative years" you talk about. So, I'd say for me, not necessarily true.


badbender14 t1_itq0mh4 wrote

You're quite welcome, I'm always happy to turn people on to good music. I'll also suggest some more popular stuff like Sammy Hagar, VH, The Cars, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, etc, just in case you guys aren't familiar. Also, if he has any blues leanings, a lesser known guy named Rory Gallagher is really excellent, as well as (of course) Stevie Ray Vaughan and Clapton.