
badhaircut22 t1_iyxfsj3 wrote

Again I agree with your last part but just like your experience was with a shitty neighbor. Mine have been with awful staff and you can’t appreciate that because you worked in the other side of it and if you did work for a Bamsi or something like that than you know how horrible bad staff can be. I’m not the neighbor you dealt with I’m not your ‘Karen’. Learn how to read an opinion and not immediately draw conclusions towards your biases you moron.


badhaircut22 t1_iyx3t7j wrote

I know especially when they park on the sidewalks that way people with wheelchairs can’t get through safely. You’ve never lived next to one of these houses I promise you it’s hell and it kills your property value not to mention when they lose control of the individuals they end up naked running around exposing themselves to your kids na it’s not the disabled kids it’s the people these companies leave in charge of them. They don’t care to take proper care of their clients they smoke weed all day while in charge of someone’s care and they make a mess with the littering. I feel bad for the kids that are living in these houses, it’s not they’re fault because they clearly don’t get the care they need that shit just spills over to all neighbors. The companies should figure a bussing situation when they have 5,6,7,8 cars including their vans flooding the streets where there’s no overnight street parking already.


badhaircut22 t1_iyw2o6w wrote

I’m still in my starter home with 150k left on the mortgage and I refinanced 1.5 years ago(2.99%) it’s valued around 500k now. I’m guessing when the housing markets crashes I’ll still have good enough equity to heloc a nice down payment for my next home and rent this or just sell all together. Currently in East Bwater there are just zero amenities here no services. Great place if you want to have a small farm and goats but I need more a city vibe.


badhaircut22 t1_iyw02qj wrote

Randolph has about a million group homes from the mentally I’ll to convicts living in halfway houses. There’s barely any neighborhood the gov or these non profits haven’t touched with their problem houses that have staff (Brockton kids) all parking on the streets and just acting like it’s a commercial area all hours.