
badmojo6000 t1_ja9ktwl wrote

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a group of five friends. They were inseparable, and their bond was unbreakable. One day, they were summoned by a god who needed their help to save his magical realm. The god promised to grant them the power to choose their appearance in his world.
The first two friends, a boy and a girl, chose to become idealized adult versions of themselves. They wanted to be the strongest and most capable versions of themselves so they could protect their friends.
The next two friends, a dwarf and an elf, chose to become members of their respective fantasy races. The dwarf became a master blacksmith and the elf became an expert archer, ready to defend their friends with their unique skills.
But the fifth friend surprised everyone with her choice. She chose to become a tree.
Her friends were shocked and confused. They asked her why she would choose to be a tree when she could have any form she desired. She simply smiled and told them that trees are the guardians of the forest, the protectors of nature. She wanted to stand tall and strong, to offer shade and shelter to all the creatures of the forest. She wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself, to give back to the world that had given her so much.
And so, the friends set out on their adventure, with their unique appearances and skills. Together, they fought the evil forces that threatened the god's magical realm. The boy and girl fought with their strength and courage, the dwarf and elf with their skills and cunning, and the tree with her unwavering presence and support.
In the end, they saved the god's magical realm and returned to their own world. But they never forgot the lessons they had learned, especially the lesson that it's not about what you look like or what you can do, but about the impact you make on the world around you. And the tree, though she may have been an unconventional hero, will always be remembered as one of the bravest and most selfless of them all.


badmojo6000 t1_j515nx2 wrote

But what if you are naturally a horrible person? And people are telling you so that you evolve and grow into a better person?

Before you say, "Well then no one will come to you." What if you're a horrible person who is super charismatic, narcissistic, super-good looking, funny, and charming... but still. evil, terrible, and horrible person with massive halo effect.

Is it really that important to NEVER listen to other people? Sometimes... other people are right.