
baker8590 t1_jee9e8n wrote

Yes read the book. It has so much more depth to the problem solving and includes more of his screw ups along the way. It also really shows how he uses his humor to cope and a lot of that didn't make the movie (was also a lot more creative silly cursing). I also love the movie but there's a lot of technical working through stuff that they have to cut to have it flow smoother (and shorter) and be easy for the masses to understand.


baker8590 t1_jdfgmta wrote

One thing that stuck with me from my recent reread that they didn't have in the movies was what happened with the traps they set against the rebels in the capitol when the final fight was happening. That as the rebels advanced pods started to go off and mutts attacking the capitol citizens. They cared more about keeping control than protecting the citizens. But that was why the strike against the kids that killed Prim was so easily attributed to them and why Katniss had more trouble figuring out who did it.


baker8590 t1_jdf9tif wrote

Yeah the movie kinda go ooh look how horrible kids are killing each other but it's fun action. But the books really go in depth about how dark and horrible it all is. Plus the starvation, punishments, and other things the capitol does to keep them in line.


baker8590 t1_jdf97mi wrote

I love the books and just reread the trilogy. I appreciate how it really discusses the trauma. I forgot until rereading that in the second book the first half is just about how their are handling their return to home and dealing with their trauma. The second movie scans past that quickly and goes to the second game action parts. For YA it's so good to focus on the emotions, that even though they did what they had to do to survive it still affects them. It sometimes feels like a lot of the criticisms about them are based on some of the copy cats in the genre that do just focus on factions/ fighting/ love triangle!