
ballsohaahd t1_jbk3yxi wrote

He’s an nba basketball player he obviously has strong legs, skinny legs can still be strong Durant was quite athletic in his 20s.

He went to step not even very hard and either his shoe slipped or got caught and his ankle rolled over. ‘More muscular’ legs wouldn’t help that plus he just came back from his knee injury so legs could have been a little heavy.


ballsohaahd t1_ja03m8p wrote

Legal system needs to be a fall back for the bad parenting. Plus many parents are either dead tired from working multiple jobs or are actually working at night and can’t be around. Don’t think any parents are really aware of all this and condone it. Maybe 1 or 2 in the whole city but overall they’re trying to work extra to support their family


ballsohaahd t1_ja02wwm wrote

That’s what’s so fucked it’s not hard to find those people and track them through all the crimes. I’m sure it’s not much higher numbers I’m Dc than 500-1000 people.

Just no one wants to do any fucking work. Just sit there responding to crimes and then letting them off is all that’s done.

Also they listen to criminals and their families more than victims.

Thats why in neighborhoods the kid was shot trying to steal cars, and another tried to rob a frickin grandma and the neighborhood basically beat his ass.

They shouldn’t have to do that shit and those neighborhoods are probably seeing more crime than better ones so they’re fed up.

We also should realize it’s wild for an NFL RB to be shot and just act like that’s a normal Occurrence.

32 nfl teams 32 cities amd only DC is where a running back gets ducking shot im a car jacking.

Is that person even in jail?! No chance.


ballsohaahd t1_iya7m5s wrote

Better than some made up numbers lmfao. How would a 1.5 mil mansion just be divided by 4 into 4 units at 375k?! Please explain, Makes absolutely no sense.

You need 4 full kitchens, 4 sets of full bathrooms, 4 master bed rooms. 4 living rooms next to the kitchens at an absolute minimum. That’s the Bare minimum for 4 1BR condos. The bedrooms need big windows to crawl out of for emergency, so a basement room usually can’t count as a legit room. The original house will have at most 2 full bathrooms, one master bedroom, one kitchen, and massive renovations to just separate the units.

You need to spend a ton of money to retrofit even a big house. They’re not designed to be easily converted into anything leastwise 4 separate units, and it could even be cheaper to tear it down and build from scratch.

Also there are no 1000 sq feet 1 BR condos, most are 700-800 sq feet and if theyre a newer building ain’t anywhere near as cheap as 375k. So these ‘affordable’ 1 BR condos would end up easily costing 500K+, which is much less affordable than existing 1 BR condos available.


ballsohaahd t1_iya3i38 wrote

Yea there’s def no good solution. And over time the duplexes and triplexes would increase supply, but it’s possible not by very much or new people moving in / population growth would negate the effects.

Also I’m shocked all apartments everywhere are so expensive. Even some older ones. I remember 2013-2015 rents in Clarendon were getting over $1000 a month and I thought that was expensive at the time. Now they’re more than double at like $2000-$2500 (1 BR) and that’s been basically 7-8 years. DC is even more too.

Will they double again and be $4000+ by 2030 (again 1 BR)? What will wages even look like, and wouldn’t even wanna look what wages are compared to inflation which shows no sign of slowing.

It’s gonna be very interesting what happens if the economy does crash and there’s mass layoffs. We’re already seeing layoffs in tech of all sectors. 2023 will be an interesting year.


ballsohaahd t1_iy9re3x wrote

I thinks that’s a good idea but those duplexes and triplexes are gonna cost what a single family home did a few years ago, and hence it’s still not gonna be affordable.

I don’t know what the solution is. But IMO the duplexes and triplexes creates a slightly less expensive home but way smaller and the price per sq foot is gonna be much higher.

Also those are gonna be new construction and new construction always costs a huge premium. So right away those places aren’t going to be affordable and it would take 5-10 years, if ever, for all housing costs to go down. As we’ve seen costs basically never go down no matter what, and wages never really rise more than costs.


ballsohaahd t1_ixs4p0b wrote

As someone who was way too helpful and it’s basically ruined a few relationships, set expectations low. Don’t offer rides more than 10/15 mins one way, and definitely not too often.

People do realize when they’re asking too much, and not be an ass about it but it’s honestly much rarer than you think.

Better to have someone say you don’t give them enough rides when you’re actively trying to limit rides. Versus giving rides all the time / whenever you can and still hearing someone say you don’t give them enough rides.


ballsohaahd t1_iszdrtj wrote

Vax mandate for Dc schools but less than half are vaxxed. I’m sure many don’t go to school nor get supervision and when in trouble nothing happens

Dc purposefully doesn’t prosecute city people for crimes and many Reddit posts say theyve been robbed or had their car stolen, they found an ID the prep drops and no charges or anything.

Imagine living there knowing you can be robbed and literally find a dropped ID of the robber and nothing will happen?