
bdeeney098 t1_j0wegk4 wrote

Yup (I used to hang on that path back in the day) and I forgot to even mention victory road park! It's crazy for them to want to put a program like this here! I know it's hard to find reasonable places for housing but this is just such a true neighborhood and community there's no reason to even rub such a risk. There are much, much more appropriate places for then to do it.


bdeeney098 t1_j0wcpi6 wrote

I did forget the charter school, all tucked up there on its own, my mistake!! You make some valid points! Soooo many kids in that area it definitely becomes a shit show in the afternoons, not to mention the morning. I wasn't even considering Boston bowl but that would be a problem especially on weekend nights with potential robberies and fights. Tenean isn't too bad I don't think. They've cleaned it up a bit over the years but this would ruin any progress already made there which would be unfortunate. I grew up on the hill behind St Ann's (Arbroth St) and given how expensive the homes are these days I sadly will probably never be able to own my own around there. Actually, maybe this will drive down the price of homes??!!! I still vote no....


bdeeney098 t1_j0vpweb wrote

It absolutely matters what words I use and to think otherwise is ridiculous. Also, I think it's important to do some homework and figure out where this transitional housing should be set up to best service those in need so they can be successful. If the location is nowhere near the services people need and there isn't transportation close by to get them where those services are then it's not gonna work. We aren't helping people by putting them in a hotel room to turn into a shooting gallery without any plans on how they'll transition to more permanent housing. Next thing you know the hotel is trashed, time and resources have been wasted, and we're back where we started except the community is worse off for it.

Edit: spelling


bdeeney098 t1_j0vj1br wrote

That's not even close to what I said, cut it out. I did say however that I totally believe in housing first to get people back on their feet and a path to better lives. I simply just think that this is not a good location for them to set up this program. Keep twisting my words and making shit up though, it will probably work out for ya.


bdeeney098 t1_j0v4hg2 wrote

While I respect your opinion I do think that it's wrong. The hotel I saw that they used for the same program looked like skid row after a couple weeks. Trash and shit in the hallways and every room was just a shooting gallery. I don't have kids but I would not want a place like that across from their school. That's just me though!


bdeeney098 t1_j0v2ffy wrote

I understand your argument and of course there is nowhere that is a perfect fit for this but some areas are better than others. This comfort inn is as poor of a choice than most areas in an around the city. There aren't even mbta options close by! There are no train stations within reasonable walking distance and there isn't even a bus route that goes down Morrissey Blvd!! Come on now.


bdeeney098 t1_j0uz3hy wrote

This hotel isn't near any of the services needed, it's not close to any train stations and there aren't any buses on morrissey Blvd where it's located. I assume they'll be setting up some kind of shuttle service. Why would t that work somewhere outside of the city and residential neighborhoods?


bdeeney098 t1_j0uwd8k wrote

I am absolutely not against a REASONABLE location to house the homeless. That's my whole issue, this is not a reasonable location for this program. You should read what I'm talking about here on this post instead of worrying about my history on this site. Fuck yourself.


bdeeney098 t1_j0uvlbn wrote

I'm all for housing first, I think it's the right way to go, I just think there are better locations for it..The Newmarket Sq. area down by Mass and Cass is mostly industrial and is within walking distance of a lot of the services that are needed. Ideally they could build new apartments or use some kind of modular housing to get people housed and back on their feet. There's also a hotel right at the South Bay Center that is away from residential neighborhoods enough where they wiukdnt be impacted. it. There are other areas within greater Boston that would make much more sense and wouldn't have such an impact on existing communities.


bdeeney098 t1_j0ur36i wrote

Where "up the street" do you live that you think this location is good for a program like this? Also, "as a former public school teacher", can you honestly say that directly across the street from an elementary school is the ideal location? Anyone who lives in reality has to understand that this will bring an increase in drug use and sales to the location so maybe across the street from a public school isn't the best spot.


bdeeney098 t1_j0uoflo wrote

Downvotes me all you want but this is a terrible location for this kind of project. I'll start by saying that I have personally experienced homelessness as well as substance abuse and coexisting mental health issues and am very sympathetic to these people's struggles. I've also lived in Dorchester my entire life and am very familiar with the hotel and area they are talking about. It is literally directly across the street from a school (Murphy) as well as 2 blocks from another school (St. Ann's) , it's a 1 minute walk from a newly renovated baseball field/park/playground (Garvey), an ice hockey rink where kids play and practice everyday, and Tinean beach. Not to mention the residential neighborhoods that this hotel is right in the middle of. Call me a NIMBY all you want and on this issue I will take that hit because this is not the type of location that a program like this needs to be operating in. I'd like to think that something like this will lead to those housed here becoming contributing members of society who will help boost the local economy and all that but that's just idealistic, wishful thinking and frankly it's pretty ignorant. What will happen is the property and the surrounding area will be trashed with people getting high, crime increasing and turn into a micro Mass and Cass. I wish it wasn't true but it absolutely is and if you think otherwise then you're delusional! Something like this should be somewhere that isn't right in the middle of a beautiful residential neighborhood that will only be negatively impacted by it.

Bring on the hate....