
becker248 t1_isxsy6v wrote

Yes, since I do not live in the US.

A few years ago the US had 5% of the worlds population but 22% of the worlds prison population. People over there are locked away for far less and far far longer.

So numbers like these are outlandish to me. And they do not seem to prevent crime anway.

The maximum sentence where I live is 20 years (you can be kept longer if you are still deemed a threat to society)

It is also not allowed to just add up felonies to reach these high numbers. The charges are always weighed as a total. So the 9x5 would not be allowed and it also feels wrong to me to do it that way.

I just think a lot of these numbers im seeing on social media are outlandishly high and should be way lower. But again, I am accustomed to other standards of how to handle prisoners and i prefer it that way