
bemmu t1_jcj6zrc wrote

Reply to comment by FoxlyKei in Those who know... by Destiny_Knight

You can try Alpaca out super easily. When I heard about it last night and just followed the instructions I had it running in 5 minutes on my GPU-less old mac mini:

Download the file ggml-alpaca-7b-q4.bin, then in terminal:

git clone  
cd alpaca.cpp  
make chat  

bemmu t1_j6cw333 wrote

Agreed there were more consumer-facing things affecting our lives in your earlier timespan.

I'd include these at least in your timespan:

  • 2016 SpaceX succeeds landing a rocket booster back, making access to space more affordable.
  • 2017 Transformer-based deep learning models, making possible GPT-3, ChatGPT, also used in Stable Diffusion.
  • 2019 Oculus Quest makes VR a lot more mainstream.
  • ~2020 AlphaFold, can now predict how proteins fold. A problem which seemed intractable before and will likely lead to many medical breakthroughs.

Also during the last few years electric cars have become much more popular.


bemmu t1_iy3npsx wrote

There has to be enough demand to make it good enough, and it has to be good enough for there to be enough demand.

As it gets better in each generation, there will be increased incentive and competition to make the hardware even better, in a nice virtuous cycle. As demand grows, there will be ever more VR titles for every niche, helping the growth further.

Personally I have high hopes for Quest 3 in 2023 and Quest 4 in 2025 (?) each being a big multiplier (1.5-2x?) for adoption.