
bernsteinschroeder t1_jbpz9ru wrote

Discovery and Pickard are original (sophomoric, and pretentious) stories trying to wear a Star Trek skin.

Even more unfortunately, since we know audiences still prize the Star Trek sci-fi motif by looking no further than The Orville. I absolutely detest 99.999% of Seth MacFarlane's humor and The Orville hits far more than enough of the sci-fi / Star Trek notes for me to look past it to love (and strongly recommend) the show.


bernsteinschroeder t1_jacfy7q wrote

Video Cassettes, that's how we did it.

Pre-video recorders, there was repeats if you missed some episodes, but TV was less linear and there were often 'previously on [tv show]' clips at the start so you knew what themes were being touched, so if you missed the episode you at least had some clue what things were built on.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j9igbdf wrote

The internet has been around for how many years now and y'all still feed the trolls?

Other than this being a mindless troll post, you can be assured of one thing: anyone who says "have fun being mad at a void. I don’t have notifications turned on. I’ve said my piece. I’m out" is watching every post added.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j6o52zh wrote

> What are you trying to gain out of this?

World Dominance (I'm in a race with Pinky and the Brain), Riches enough to make Elon Musk my personal rocket pilot, and the magic to force all politicians to only tell the truth.

It's not working so far but damn it I'm trying!

One might also infer that since I quoted a section of a post that I was addressing that particular point given the context -- re: "and I'll NEVER understand why these movies get so much praise" -- that you weren't the only one.

The internet is a f-ing weird place: you support someone's point of view and...they get hostile 🙄. I'm just gonna 'nope' outta this right here.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j6nhn7f wrote

> I've seen LITERALLY NOTHING but praise for this movie, as well as the first one

Then you need to pay more attention re Avatar. It's an amazingly visually-beautiful film with with zero depth using cardboard cutouts, potted plants, and cliche` where story should be.

Same reviewer for Avatar 2

I haven't been bored enough to watch the second one yet, and tbf if/when I finally am, I'm considering just leaving the sound off and watching the absolutely-no-doubt visually stunning CG world -- after the first one, I have no confidence getting involved in the plot would even be worth a game of name-that-trope.

(To be fair, I saw a fan-edit someone did that was more watchable than what was in theaters by just nixing the B-thread...)


bernsteinschroeder t1_j67z417 wrote

> He clearly states he has no intention reading any of the reactions or revisiting his post ever again

Which is the best indication that the OP is refreshing the page frequently to see the responses.

People like the OP want to stir the shit for attention but don't have the stones to defend their opinions. Given how thin-skinned the OP is, though (see below quote of the OP in reply in another post in this thread) I'm sure it's for the best that he doesn't engage :D

> Dude... if you hate my take on Velma, sure... you do you, but don't try smart ass yourself out of the fact you don't even know what a spacebar does. You tried to write a clever line that I "discovered a spacebar" for paragraphs - which is literally not the key for paragraphs* - and now you're trying to backpedal on this.

> * you aren't actually one of those people who when they write a document in word for example insert like 150 spaces to go to the next line are you? Damn... that would explain the dumb mistake. Next time just use Enter. Might be a shocking experience for you the first few times but you'll get used to it.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j5im330 wrote

I love the S1-S20 of Law and Order but S21+...I haven't had a desire to go past I think 3 episodes into 21 (and just now realized it's on S22).

Anthony Anderson was great in the previous incarnation and I can't recall the last thing I didn't like Jeffrey Donovan in but...they really caused me to stall on the "continuation." I was pleased that other issues I was anticipating were handled well (or well enough) at least in what I saw and I was opening to buy-in with the non-Waterston prosecution side.

It was like sailing into a headwind with "Kevin Bernard and Frank Cosgrove" and I can't quite put my finger on a 'why'. I can't even say 'nostalgia glasses' because when S21 started, I was just 6 episodes from the end of re-watching the 20 seasons of the first incarnation.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j5i1nxd wrote

"I didn't love the characters" is not a 'flaw'. You wanting something it doesn't deliver isn't a per se 'flaw'. Not having simplistic characters that fit neatly into 'good' and 'bad' is not a 'flaw'.

Mind you, The Wire does have've just failed to name any of them.

What you have is called "an opinion" about a show you couldn't get into that has characters with a complexity you can't have sympathy for.

I could have respected someone starting a post and listing your grievances with the intent of understanding what they missed and others got, or to find a more effective way of approaching the characters, story, or the show itself. But you seem to have started this just to bitch.

It's fine not to like a show -- it's even fine not to get what people see in a show -- but you're hyper-defensive about it like you're jealous, or feel left out, or something.

And that's something no one on this site can address.


bernsteinschroeder t1_j5hnsz1 wrote

It's a shame that you have such a shallow viewing strategy.

Stranger still that you found D'Angelo (who's killed someone and deals drugs) and Omar (who's killed a lot of someones and is happy to sell drugs) to be characters you can care for but a cop Greggs you can't, or an ASA like Pearlman, or a police LT like Daniels, or even spare some sympathy for Bunny Colvin...

> Between the corrupt groups in the show who are you supposed to care for? What story are you supposed to be invested in?

I hate to break it to you but people are complex and often a mix of good and bad.

And you could just say "I tried to get into The Wire but I just couldn't" or "The Wire just wasn't what I was looking for" and move along.

Here, watch: People love Homicide: live on the street but, despite many similarities to The Wire, I simply can not get into that show despite trying once every few years, and I generally quit from sheer boredom with only one character I find interesting.

See? No bolt from on high strikes me down either.


bernsteinschroeder t1_ixtwsid wrote

Contrast this to SEAL Team where the team leader (due to TBI) forgets they found explosives in a part of the building and tries to breach a door near it with, you guessed it, explosives. Nearly blows his entire team to pieces and they all wind up in the hospital.

When they piece it together, what happens? No pissy treatise, no acrimony, nada. They rallied around him even though HIS error nearly killed them.

> special forces teams are so bonded to each other this would never happen

And if it did need to happen, it'd be behind closed doors, with just the team, and absolutely not in a public place with someone who is not part of the team, family or not.