
berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vzxj0 wrote

They did disclose prior roof issues, that is why they got a new roof before listing. I know it was replaced because I saw it happening when driving by since the house is just down the street of our old home. Checking into permits now with the borough!


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vzguu wrote

Reply to comment by GburgG in 1 year old leaking roof by berrylover6020

Its amazing how many awful contractors there are. And its even worse they all keep getting away with it! Im sorry you went through similar, it sucks.

And you are so right, buying a house in 2021-2022 was awful. The sellers had all the power and if you were lucky enough to get a bid accepted you basically had to agree to anything.


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vyrxp wrote

No, nothing negative about the roof was noted on the report. I know it is a risk when buying a property, we were previous homeowners for 8 years prior to this. Im just frustrated an inspector could miss hundreds of roofing nails and shingle debris in the gutters which would have raised a red flag for me that the roof was not done by a reputable company. But being familiar with how home inspectors work, its pretty hard to legally fault them on anything. Im more interested in faulting the roofer for a shoddy job.


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vy5ft wrote

Reply to comment by -Milky in 1 year old leaking roof by berrylover6020

Im so sorry to hear you had a similar experience! Its so nerve-wracking trusting someone to do a job that you have no expertise in and costs so much! I’ve spent the day searching roofers to try and a find a couple to add to our list to get estimates from. This is not an expected expense so really want to make sure we end up with the best quality and price


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vxj23 wrote

Reply to comment by kistner in 1 year old leaking roof by berrylover6020

I contacted our borough and left a message asking if permits are required for new roofs. Waiting to hear back. If they are, I do not believe they obtained one per the seller disclosure, but they may not have been required to.

If no permit is required, I don’t think there is anything else we can go after the sellers for (just my non-legal educated guess). I think the main action here is going after the contractor but not sure thats possible when we didn’t hire/sign the contract.

Have calls in for roofers to give use multiple estimates and opinions. Called our insurance broker today and she said to wait for that info and then we can file a claim. She also advised seeking possible legal advice for going after the contractor because a 1 year old roof, with no storm damage, should not be leaking if properly installed.


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vwpmq wrote

Thank you! I truly don’t think there is much that can be done in regard to the real estate transaction. I just don’t know how much authority we have to go after a bad roofer when we weren’t the ones who signed the contract. I did contact the borough and left a message to see if a permit was required and if one was obtained. I know a lot of places don’t for replacing existing roofs, but thought thats a easy check I can make on my own.


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0vw21c wrote

We are not looking to go after the sellers or the home inspector. I am aware we agreed to terms and the transaction closed and thats that. I am more interested in if we are able to hold the roofer accountable for bad work, especially since we weren’t the ones who hired them/signed the contract. The sellers responded promptly to my request for the roofers info and sent the contract to us immediately.

As for us having the upper hand I have to respectfully disagree. The market in early 2022 was so far in the sellers favor, buyers had nothing to negotiate with. We were lucky to even get a copy of the prior bid winners inspection report. Mostly the only offers being accepted on houses for awhile were ones without inspections and a lot without appraisal contingencies. The sellers were not left too desperate after they other buyers backed out, they could have re-listed and honestly gotten more than we paid. They did do us a favor by reaching back out to us first.


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0uvtsh wrote

Reply to comment by kistner in 1 year old leaking roof by berrylover6020

No, unfortunately. The market at that time was so insane those weren’t offered. And when we bought our first house 8 years ago we bought one ourselves, from a reputable company, and they went out of business before our coverage period ended and we lost our money and did end up having things we could have claimed. So we opted to not buy one this time around


berrylover6020 OP t1_j0t3omq wrote

Reply to comment by seg321 in 1 year old leaking roof by berrylover6020

Ha yeah, i’d never trust the original company to work on it again. It just sucks you can do such awful work, get paid, and have no ramifications. I’m hoping our homeowners should at least pay for the amount to fix the leak and damage to our interior ceiling. We luckily do have a reliable roofer we trust and have used for 8 years coming in the next week or so to look everything over himself.