
bertiebasit t1_iyamgrn wrote

I’ve been to Qatar, it’s a great place and I would happily go again.

The World Cup has been great too, been following it on the TV. Absolutely no evidence of any boycotts.

No country is perfect, especially our white western ones who went round the world robbing, raping, murdering and enslaving on an unimaginable industrial scale.

According to Pew research, women are happier in the Middle East than they are in the west.

They don’t care about LGBT issues, it’s contrary to their religion and value system. They are not about to throw their religion under the bus to placate some virtue signalling westerners hell bent on cultural colonialism.

It’s incredibly insulting to other countries around the world that we insist our values matter more than theirs. It’s arrogance based purely on our white privilege.
