
beruon t1_j1g5n0o wrote

Me too but I always METICULOUSLY track everything. Like even stuff as in "oh so the they travelled for a week between A and B and now talking about C, C seems like twice the length, so its gonna be two weeks. Damn thats gonna be scary with all the zombies around" or something. When I read Eragon, I literally photocopied the map and tracked where a character is exactly, and I drew their routes etc.


beruon t1_j1g43pc wrote

Titles I love, excerpt type stuff like in some childrens vook I always HATED with passikn even when I was a kid. "Chapter 3, where Winnie goes over to Rabbit for a tea party". Like even as a kid I was like "CAN YOU NOT SPOIL THE WHOLE STUFF???". For the brief time my parents were reasing to me (brief, bwcause I leanred to read at age 5 lmao) I always asked them to skip that