
bex811 t1_j9zchps wrote

See if you can wear things more between washings. Most jeans I wear 3 or 4 times. Sweater and hoodies 2-3 times. Shirts 1-2 times ect ect. Towels can be hung amd dried between showers/swims and reused 3-4 times.

Baby wipes or just a washcloth with some gentle soap to spot clean items. A garment steamer is awesome for not only wrinkles but freshening amd sanitizing fabrics.

Invest in a simple folding drying rack and hand wash things like bathsuits and unders (an old salad spinner is great for getting out excess water). Placed in a sunny window and it'll help with stains as well.

My sister has a portable washer that she runs in the bathtub for most things and then uses the laundromat for towels and sheets every couple of weeks (for her and her 8 year old).


bex811 t1_j9zbfzi wrote

We have a similar model picked up at a thrift store for $2 about 15 years ago. We just double toast ... when it pops the first time, flip the toasts upside down and turn around (who knows if this is necessary or not, but it's fun) and slam it back down. Never really thought about adjusting it somehow 🤔