
bfnrowifn t1_ja2i0vh wrote

So…. You demonise imperialism against India but then use imperialist mentality to justify Russian invasion…..

India got colonised by Europe because India couldn’t safeguard its people against Europe. Sorry my guy, that’s the facts. Would you want foreign aid helping you defend your country? Or would you accept being colonised again by a stronger force?


bfnrowifn t1_ja2gjtm wrote

> Ukraine won’t join NATO

So the appropriate response to a neighbouring sovereign country wanting to make its own decisions for its own benefit is to attempt to murder the whole population and claim the country for your own?

If Pakistan invaded Kashmir and lays waste to Punjab you’d be ok with that so long as it’s in response to BRICS expansionism?


bfnrowifn t1_ixrdg82 wrote

One good year doesn’t negate the trend. You can’t look at one instance of a specific event and claim that all other observations and data analysed was wrong.

In the same vein, you can’t say the average temperature isn’t rising if 2022s average temp was lower than the average temp of any previous year when the average temp of every year up till now has been consistently increasing. One data point isn’t enough to draw any meaningful conclusion from.