
bfume t1_ix1p9oh wrote

i’ve submitted a few dozen reports (UWS, 80’s) in the last 18 months—mostly for placard abuse or expired paper plates and (literally) more than half were closed with “we investigated and there was nothing to do” within minutes of hitting submit. zero chance anyone did anything except click “close”.

it’s plackard abuse it’s nypd looking out for personal cop vehicles it’s paper plate cockiness it’s increasingly construction overstepping their permit limits* it’s construction jobs reserving spots for workers via fake “no parking” crap

I submit my reports with my google voice number and a throwaway email. I’ve heard too many stories about crank calls and threatening contact to be that stupid.

the feeling of helplessness is real.

*NYCDOT actually took the time to write a real signed letter to say “we really want to help, but enforcement belongs to the nypd”. NYPD spit on the ground and said “bullshit. NYCDOT’s problem”. yeah.