
bgplsa t1_jaj46tz wrote

THIS !!! ^ ^ ^ government and academic employees who spend money exactly like private employees on food, housing, entertainment, etc aren’t burning that money for heat, it hasn’t gone anywhere except to support people trogs don’t like.


bgplsa t1_j9rp8o4 wrote

Since you’re a science enjoyer you should start off with the scientific method. What is a consequence of living inside a hollow earth that one could test that isn’t better explained by another model such as those currently used? Seriously, think this through. Be aware though that there are subtleties that crop up in every investigation that will complicate finding the correct answers. Even Einstein had to deal with this, he continually published the answers he found to questions that seemed to disprove his claims until nobody could think of any that couldn’t be answered. That process is still going on today, scientists don’t predict the conjunctions of Jupiter’s moons or solar eclipses or the temperature of craters on the moon to prove how smart they are, they are continually observing to see if the real world disagrees with the predictions made by their models. If it ever did and they could show it with evidence that would be a history making event and any scientist would be thrilled to be the one to make such a discovery. That’s why the whole idea of science having a “narrative” is so wrong headed. If your friend can demonstrate the hollow earth better explains what we see when we look out at the universe than Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, science will agree the earth is hollow and we live inside it. Personally my money is on the other guys though.


bgplsa t1_j6dqtr4 wrote

Reply to Twins, 1987 by Alatarial

The faces of souls who know hitting the job market in 2009 is gonna suck.


bgplsa t1_j1544ea wrote

Stephen Hawking explains trying to describe what’s “outside” the universe or “before” the beginning of time as similar to trying to define what’s north of the North Pole. There’s just no reasonable way for our brains to express the idea of something that exists completely independent of any experience we could possibly imagine. So certainly it’s possible an infinite number of angels can dance on the head of a 5-dimensional pin but how would you count them 😉


bgplsa t1_j1233da wrote

As consciousness that experiences pain and pleasure and time as a present “now” proceeding from cause to effect in an endless series of events until entropy destroys the wetware that evolved to run them, the only rational response to the futility of this state of affairs is to exercise the plausible free will we seem to have to nurture our own and others’ enjoyment of the moments we have been given and yet to come.

Just my opinion.