
bilbo_swagginz_boi t1_jdqpwaz wrote

Never got past the friendship with the USSR. It’ll come to bite them in the end by trying to either alienating or being outright enemies with:

  • The West (aside from maybe France)
  • China
  • Pakistan

With Russia/Japan/UAE/Bangladesh as friendlies.

Russia is currently engaging in genocide and can’t afford to help india out aside from selling dirt cheap oil. The more they cozy to russia the less the West would see them as a friend.

China is already at odds with India with no signs of stopping.

The West has a ton of resources and military strength. It’d be foolish not to expand those ties. Nixon hasn’t been president in 50 years. But instead we’re seeing India obsess over being it’s own superpower.

Japan I doubt can supply them much militarily, probably mostly economic assistance. Even then Japan has a demographic crisis with aging population:

Bangladesh is not developed enough to be a lucrative neighbor yet.
