
billfitz24 t1_iy61pds wrote

That’s horrifying. “Sorry dad, you’re too much work to take care of now, so we’re just gonna get you high on this poisonous plant then drop you from a great height and hope you die quickly.”


billfitz24 t1_ixlp20a wrote

I can’t agree with much of what you’ve written here. Newtonian is fine for 99% of what we experience in our daily lives. Einstein is mostly needed when relative velocities are very high. MOND is thought to apply only on galactic and larger objects.

To say that GR changes the Newtonian numbers by only a small amount is simply not true at high velocities. With time & length dilation the difference in numbers can be quite large.

I don’t see how MOND can make Einstein wrong, since it’s trying to be an explanation of gravity on truly massive objects, and I’m not aware that relative velocities are even a consideration.

Saying that MOND must modify GR and in doing so must introduce new particles is not something I’ve ever read when MOND is being discussed.

I could be completely wrong, but it seems to me you’re presenting several false arguments in your dismissal of MOND.


billfitz24 t1_ixlmcek wrote