
birthbutbackwards t1_ix23qay wrote

I'm done with this subreddit now. I'm new here, absolutely love the people I meet. I work at a company where all, but one, are "flatlanders" and even that guy's parents moved here when he was an infant. Most of my coworkers have lived here for 30+ years. I live here with my wife and dog, fell in love with the state while visiting. Did tons of research. "Vermont needs people to move here, in some cases we'll pay you, the population is getting old, we need new blood", is what the internet told us. I never experienced the whole "out of state plates get hate" phenomenon. Everyone I meet are kind and I forget about the rest. I've even defended the vermont "tribalism" on this forum.

But holy shit people! I'm an immigrant, I left my country because of insane extreme nationalism. When I'm on reddit, I feel like I'm home again. "Dude didn't say hi, he's a dumb hateful flatlander..." Have you considered that maybe your worldview and attitude rubs off on the people you interact with? The ENTIRE WORLD is experiencing inflation. My home country is experiencing prices you wouldn't dream of. Can't get heating because of Russian propane cut off. The price of gas has been at 12 dollars a gallon for most of this year. The housing prices are through the roof. Imagine paying around 60% taxes on your income on top of that. EVERY SINGLE STATE in this country is experiencing the same inflation, flooding of out of staters. Believe me, we had to leave our home, cause we couldn't afford to stay and have since researched EVERYWHERE. Before getting kicked out of our parents and in-laws house. We're in our late thirties. Everyone is struggling with money, dread of the state of the world, politics, etc. We love this place. The people are amazing. People come from all over to love this place. To care for it. And reddit is "FuCinG FlaTLandurrrs" every day all day long. Come get a hug when you're gotten all that aggravation out of your system. I'm in Graniteville. I'd love your visit, friend, but I'm done with this subreddit.


birthbutbackwards t1_ite2kz5 wrote

It's actually bottled in Denmark and "Vertmont" is a Danish brand of Canada made maple syrup. That's why it says "stats kontrolleret økologisk", it means government controlled ecological, in the bottom. Everything claiming to be ecological has to go through government in Denmark, like everything else really.

They sell it all over Europe. Their website descriptions point out that Vertmont means green mountain and mentions that the best maple syrup comes from Vermont and the North Eastern regions of Canada.

I'm a Dane and I live in single-t Vermont