
birthdaycakefig t1_jbxnd40 wrote

According to Google Not in NY. You can fight a charge for resisting arrest and have it dropped if it’s unlawful but you can’t legally resist arrest.

However, you truly have to be some kind of stupid to think resisting arrest is going to go well for you. You have a situation where the cop thinks they are in the right and you think you’re in the right.

We know cops are assholes and love a power trip, especially NYPD. AND knowing this makes you think resisting an arrest is your best course of action? That makes 0 sense.

Shit, even if it’s legal I still don’t understand in what world you’re going to convince a cop that’s already gotten physical to just relax and let you go. I rather be alive than dead right.

Also I feel like I have to say I’m a liberal because I know the only response people have here when someone doesn’t agree is some sort of go suck on trumps cock type of response.

We’re smart, we can have multiple ideas in our head at the same time. You can both think cops need to change AND agree this dude is a complete idiot for what he did.

> Unlawful arrest – A person may be found not guilty of resisting arrest if the arrest was done unlawfully, meaning, without a warrant or probable cause. It is not advisable, however, to argue the legality of an arrest as it is happening especially if the officer is acting in their capacity lawfully. It would be better to determine the legality of arrest when you have legal counsel and help on your side.


birthdaycakefig t1_jbxdpcc wrote

Fuck off with this. This is exactly why people hate us on the left. We can’t be critical of some asshole because because of people like you.

Look at the damn video and how the cop hit his head and how his body was behaving trying to get back up.

You know how easy it is to die from a blow to the head with fucking pavement?


birthdaycakefig t1_jb4tsmu wrote

If cities do end up going mostly car share/taxi, there’s a ton of parking that could be new functional lanes.

Most smaller streets in Manhattan could fit 2 proper lanes and a 2 way bike lane if it weren’t for the free parking.


birthdaycakefig t1_jb2ok3o wrote

As a cyclist I truly don’t understand the hate for speeding cyclists (most cyclists are going 15-16mph). I swear it’s because people just don’t like the spandex (since it’s what they always call out).

There will always be someone making dick moves from all the groups that use the park. Off leash dogs cause accidents, runners run off lane without looking, walkers go the wrong way taking up the entire lane. It’s not just cyclists where.

There are assholes cyclists that get too close to pedestrians but it’s crazy how OK we are just wanting to remove an entire group of people and sport from the park that has plenty of space.

IMO the lights need to go, the green lights give cyclists a fake sense of “go” but pedestrians will cross anyway. The red lights give pedestrians the way but most cyclists won’t actually stop because most of the time they are red for now reason.

For the lights specifically, we should get rid of them and put pedestrians crossing buttons that flash brightly so everyone knows they are crossing. This works very well in many cities with cars and pedestrians and it could work here.

I’m sure this will be downvoted to hell though since I’m trying to be reasonable without lumping everyone on a bike into one group.


birthdaycakefig t1_j7kglsm wrote

I mean you can do the same as before? That weirdo was still able to follow you and move between cars in the same exact way you did.

IMO this is better because you don’t have to wait for a stop to move cars and find a more crowded car. In fact, I like this because I think it’ll be easier to see where people are late night and move closer to other normals as opposed to being alone in one car when the crazy joins you.


birthdaycakefig t1_j64ouhd wrote

You’re kidding yourself if you think an illegal immigrant has the same opportunity and choices you did. Let alone the risk and issues they face.

If you really thought it’s the same at the end of the day, you would have done it that way too. But you know the quality of life an illegal immigrant has is different than yours and that’s why you went your route.

You were a citizen after 20 years and I bet you could travel much sooner. Some people come here, never see their family again and potentially can never work a legal job or have proper rights their whole life.

Not trying to say you should feel sorry for them, just stop thinking that they somehow are in your same position.

No one is spitting on anyone, you simply made different choices and now live with a different reality.


birthdaycakefig t1_j221916 wrote

Reply to comment by LiftyJoestar in Bike lanes by SimpatheticNS

Why are car drivers not using the subway? Cars get to sit free and unused in a city that has some of the most expensive real estate. Cars cause over 46k deaths a year in the states. Cars make the city noisier than it needs to be. We should be making public transit and bikes accessible to more and more people so they don’t need to buy a car every couple of years.

Have you ever seen NYC without congestion? NYC has always had shit traffic, regardless of how many lanes. But now it’s the fault of bike lanes?

Bikes are cheaper, keep people healthy and is a fast and reliable way to move around a dense city.


birthdaycakefig t1_ixuge6u wrote

Because they know most parents won’t fight back or get violent so they enforce it. Same reason most undesired behavior gets ignored in NYC, no one is out there enforcing shit and people can get away with what they want. (Not trying to be political, I’m a “leftist” basically)


birthdaycakefig t1_ixug76h wrote

A couple of lines do when they cross bridges that are not bike friendly/legal.

Part of me, even as a cyclist feels like bikes in public transit shouldn’t be encouraged but bike racks are a great solution since they aren’t inside.

Most cities won’t allow bikes inside subways because they can be annoying when the trains are full but it’s NyC, we can’t really enforce anything anyway. (Except fare jumpers and bikes without bells)