
biscuity87 t1_iydyxf2 wrote

Valheim basically requires mods at this point to keep the game challenging or interesting at all.

The wolf caves were like doing a single Skyrim instance.

They say mistlands is going to be “hard” but it will probably be a cakewalk. After playing with mods that make enemies have way more stars (like 5) I can’t see going back to the base game and calling anything in it hard. Things like 2 star trolls and draugr elites when you are butt ass naked will obviously hit hard but once you get armor they are nothing.

If people want to spend hundreds of hours sitting in their base dicking around it’s a sandbox game and they are welcome to it but the core game loop has barely been touched and the amount of updates has been very disappointing.


biscuity87 t1_iviaaoj wrote

It’s even worse then that I think. People will clear a browser history when they live alone. I doubt most anyone would pay money (thereby linking their info one way or another) for basically free content and then have it tied to them.

NFT’s are a joke anyways.