
biteme717 t1_j6p48mf wrote

I personally would tell his GF and not talk to him. He's trying to justify his actions, and his best friend is a h*. There is only one person who is going to get hurt, and that's his girlfriend. NEITHER ONE OF THEM CARE about what they are doing. Do the right thing and tell his girlfriend. Or take her out for a girls night and let her catch him with his bimbo.


biteme717 t1_j6p3gjd wrote

Grab his attention and tell him that you want to separate from him and that you are thinking about ending this marriage. If he doesn't talk to you, then he IMO has emotionally checked out. Pack up some stuff and tell him that you will be back for the rest and walk out. Or you put your hands on the side of his face and tell him that you are leaving him, make him HEAR you.


biteme717 t1_j6p29yw wrote

Set him free and break everything off and walk away. Sorry, but I personally think that he's been experimenting already, and I would get tested for STDs. Tell him that you don't want to be married to a bi sexual person and that he needs to go figure himself out. Good luck


biteme717 t1_j2f22bz wrote

She doesn't CARE about how the joke made you feel, she care that you are upset, she doesn't care that the joke hurt you, she doesn't care that you want an apology! When people say things that hurt other people and use the excuse that it was a joke and they don't sincerely apologize it wasn't a joke! I personally with the way she's acting and her attitude, I would tell her that this relationship is a joke and I would break things off with her and leave and I would also tell her that the jokes on her.


biteme717 t1_j2emkgm wrote

Leave completely, he doesn't deserve you and you sure as hell don't deserve him! I would also make sure that he can't come back and I would block, delete and ghost him. You deserve so much better and you need to be happy and single without any burdens of him. Good luck to you


biteme717 t1_j2egl29 wrote

After all this time and the things he's said enough is enough! Where is your self respect and dignity? Send them both a break up text and move on with your life. He doesn't truly love you and is only with you until she wakes up. I personally would have left him when he told you both that he and her were a perfect match to. He wants her, he will screw her if she's willing and he's already told you, he doesn't allow you to be friends with her. What more do you need to know? He's a liar and manipulator and is controlling you and the situation until he gets what he wants. Leave the relationship with him and go live your life, he ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE, it's been 8 years of the same old crap and 8 years of you being second choice stop being a carnival prize! Leave them both behind


biteme717 t1_j29q46m wrote

She wants sex, but not from you. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason for her to lie and gaslight you, none . IMO, any woman who turns down sex to masterbate is wanting and fantasizing about someone else, sorry but that's my personal opinion and the same can be said about men. Call everything off and get your ring back, because she just showed you what that she's a liar and manipulator and she doesn't care! This says everything about what kind of person she is and she just proved that you can't trust her. Find someone who WANTS you who won't lie and manipulate and gaslight you.
