
blE3p_bl00p t1_jaxacuy wrote

A lot of the kids arrive here when they are already in high school and have to start learning English then and can't possibly meet what we consider standard English requirements for graduating seniors. It is a huge downfall of a dumb system like standardized testing to group these kids in with people who have spoken English since they were toddlers.


blE3p_bl00p t1_j746fve wrote

>There are, and this is the issue, private schools that receive public dollars and are not open to everyone. Those families argue for choice and they receive a voucher. This voucher money draws away from the publicly available education system that is open to all in that area.

Say it louder! If you want to go to a snobby school, you shouldn't get public funding.


blE3p_bl00p t1_j4y2kq2 wrote

Who is this security you speak of at after hours games? Seriously.... I'm pretty sure the school cops are only around during school hours and not at every event, unless something changed? Also as far as I know not every high school even has one of those security officers, mine didn't when I was there.

That's kind of the problem, it comes down to whatever small number of school officials (usually under 5) who are actually at the game and making the decision to call the police on a parent is a hard line to cross, especially when the asshat will always scream freedom of speech if the police come after them.

As much as I consider it abuse and harassment if they aren't actively assaulting someone the police don't usually want to get involved and then you have a teacher trying to forcibly remove a parent. We don't give them the resources to do things like that in small towns....


blE3p_bl00p t1_j4ofcc8 wrote

Can confirm, racist things get said out in that area and the teachers never used to do shit, granted I'm speaking from a decade ago, but even then I think the casual racism was pretty out of place in the modern world (in VT) even then and the admins certainly didn't do anything to stop it.

If it's the parents though what exactly do you want the school to do besides kick the individuals out of the games? Honest question, public schools only have so much power when the parents spout racist bullshit at home


blE3p_bl00p t1_j4oa462 wrote

If you want to pay someone to do it for you, very expensive. If you want to do most of it yourself, not as expensive.

Also just want to throw my two cents in, you pay a roofing company 100s of dollars an hour while the guys doing the actual work with the knowledge are making nothing and most of these companies give no benefits at all.

Contracting and construction are just another industry where the guys on the top are living on the lake and the people with the know-how and work ethic are living in RVs in the winter


blE3p_bl00p t1_j34g94x wrote

Yes .... your logic is flawless. ... just NOW suddenly.... when we have made it legal... NOW we are going to see the repercussions of people smoking it.

No one ever smoked it in mass quantities before it was legal, definitely not.

Weed smokers in their 70s who've been smoking their whole lives aren't a thing. Hippies in Vermont? Never!

And we obviously never spent a dime trying to track down those illegal marijuana grow ops and dealers before..


.oh wait....

There isn't some massive cancer movement coming from weed, they can't even quantify it on a hand eye coordination scale - hence having no real metric to determine a DUI - and states have blown millions of dollars on this repeatedly.

Your comment made me laugh at least.


blE3p_bl00p t1_j34faev wrote

It's clearly AI generated just like the 'god' of vermont post. I could type 100X words in front of 'Vermont' into one of those generators and make 100X posts just like this... it's not good and it's probably a direct knockoff of someone's actual artwork knowing how they train these things...


blE3p_bl00p t1_j348n3l wrote

So what do you want to call it if the term anomaly bothers you so much?

Without more data, it IS an anomaly, and it COULD potentially become a trend but for now it is anomalous as we don't have more data... that's the word for it.

Sorry words bug you so much...kinda funny though, snowflakey thing to want to argue about.