
blablabla456454 t1_j9se2q0 wrote

"As things stand, the British army would run out of ammunition within a few days if called upon to fight and would take up to 10 years to field a modern warfighting division of some 25,000 to 30,000 troops."

Is this true? What am I missing here. The Brits have no standing Army?


blablabla456454 t1_j9ibsu6 wrote

lol New York Post, haha

"Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist"

"scooped journalism’s top award more than five decades ago"

This is literally the article.

They suck his dick then he makes a "claim"??

Where is the article with proof? I would love to read that with a beer. But it doesn't exist. This is propaganda for fools. Thats why it is removed.