
blindexhibitionist t1_j3pdc2b wrote

At the same time Saban and Meyer failed as well. I hear what you’re saying but I don’t know if there’s a correlation there. I think at the time part of the idea was that he had experience running the type of offense the nfl was trying to switch too and he had experience with qbs who went on to be successful in the nfl. I do remember at the time there was questions about the hiring. I don’t know enough about football to fully understand it. But I don’t think his college winning percentage is necessarily one of those factors. I’m trying to think of other college coaches who had success in the nfl. Erickson did decent. Jimmy Johnson did really well. Belichick was an assistant in college. Schiano was shit. Louisville guy was a trash human. Was Mora college first? Anywho it’s an interesting thought experiment about what makes a college coach do well in the pros.


blindexhibitionist t1_j3oon9g wrote

Oh I don’t argue that knowledge equates to success. My point was just that the statement “he doesn’t know x” is hyperbolic and isn’t true. Coaching is a lot more than x’s and o’s


blindexhibitionist t1_j3oo5op wrote

Totally agree. I don’t think he is a good coach at all. And by coach I mean someone who has all the pieces (football knowledge, flexibility, leadership). I was just commenting about his football knowledge. He probably has forgotten more than any fan will know.


blindexhibitionist t1_j3nh2i3 wrote

You don’t become an NFL head coach without knowing football. Now, his ability to hire other good coaches to his staff, be a good leader are all definitely up for discussion. I like to think of it like Brian Scalabrini. People would think he’s a scrub but dude was one of the best 400ish hundred basketball players in the world. Same with NFL head coaches. And the fact he was a qb before hand.


blindexhibitionist t1_j3n4b84 wrote

Watching Hard Knocks he’s definitely cringe. From his four agreements poster, to his speeches to the players, it just seemed like such canned motivational rah rah without being genuine. I don’t doubt he knows football but seeing the difference between him and Dan Campbell is just night and day.