
bluedevil_zg t1_jadi1ci wrote

Reply to comment by Richard1864 in USB-C by WearFirst1267

Stupidly - but yes. USB-C is required. And when a new technology pops, say USB-G, then what? Everybody will have to wait until EU decides to change the law and define the new standard is required? And then all of the USB-C gadgets and stuff will very fast become obsolete. I bet there’s a new standard just behind the corner…


bluedevil_zg t1_j6miyzw wrote

Not saying you did, just throwing some ideas… my 12 PM shattered from falling out of my pocket onto the rug when I was crouching all the way down but sweatpants pocket wasn’t zipped up. So it fell from my pocket on the thick rug from less than 1ft of height.

While my old X back in the day flew out of my car when I opened the door and it was in my lap, so it fell from 2-2.5 ft on the concrete and rolled over, and then kept sliding for some 3ft. Apart from scratches - nothing.



bluedevil_zg t1_j6mid4m wrote

It must have been hit by something or perhaps something pushed against it (like a bulb in your wallet and you leaning on the wall, thus making pressure on that bulb via your body weight).

It’d take some pressure to shatter it, but then again, glass is very fragile and not willing to bend at all…


bluedevil_zg t1_irdgf0b wrote

I’m 47 now and since I started enjoying beer regularly (must have been my 20s) I was always the one the bastards wouldn’t attack. That is, whenever I had a beer or two they would just go on annoying other people around and I could stand there with no protection and get literally 0 bites. If I didn’t drink beer, they would bite me too. Just a beer or teo was all it took for me, and I was free to go.

Not that I got drunk, mind you, I could drink 4-5 beers (half a litte) with no effect whatsoever, I developed pretty good resistance back then.

Now I don’t drink that much (if any) anymore and the nastards are eating me alive!

It was my opinion that the beer was pushing them away, much the same as taking antibiotics (we noticed that ehen people are takin antibiotics for whatever sickness, they would be spared). We always assumed it made blood “dirty” or otherwise non desirable for them bastards…

…and now this article wwants to change everything our numerou experiments showed us…