
bluepseven t1_j084kwr wrote

There are excellent suggestions here. Stop being a perfectionist: give yourself a break. If you can’t complete the tasks that you expected yourself to finish, don’t “throw the baby out with the bath water”.

Re-evaluate: make a new list with only those things that you planned to do, but didn’t/couldn’t. Chop each of them up into smaller tasks. Work on these tasks one by one, breaking them down further, if necessary.

Lower your expectations: don’t expect yourself to finish the list in a day. Spread it out to a week, a month, etc. or reduce what IS expected.

And give yourself some compassion: if a friend or coworker came to you with their unfinished list, you’d probably say, “oh, no worries, try again tomorrow“.

I gave up on lists, because I could never finish them or get enough “checks” ✅ My lists were very long, and took way too long to write. Instead I tried keeping them in my head. (And we all know how that worked out 🙄) I’m learning to give them another try.