bluredditacct t1_jaevwwu wrote
I like the rambling over descriptive language Collins uses, I didn't find it to be that much of a slog. I found it spooky and suspense building.
I never thought any of the characters were really supposed to be likeable, just unique and flawed. It's like a slow motion train wreck.
I really liked the twist, it seems all the more crazy when presented in flowery fancy British English.
bluredditacct t1_j16kg2j wrote
Reply to comment by strawberryc0w_ in just started it ends with us sequel and I'm already not into it by strawberryc0w_
Yup, and how to navigate the relationship with her abusive ex since she has a child with him. It's a lot of loose end tying basically.
bluredditacct t1_j16k3n0 wrote
Reply to comment by Hopeful-Exercise-546 in just started it ends with us sequel and I'm already not into it by strawberryc0w_
Same main character and side character
bluredditacct t1_iybf6b4 wrote
Is it when only a single character is talking for multiple paragraphs? They then don't close until the character is done speaking correct? Grammer is not my strong suit though.
bluredditacct t1_iya4jka wrote
Reply to Little details that break immersion: worth it to continue the book? (Sun Down Motel) by MllePerso
I'm thinking they mean more like a Half Priced Books or similar. I noticed there were lots of small independent and discount chain bookstores in small towns in MA.
bluredditacct t1_ixy13c5 wrote
Reply to When a physical book is so bad you believe no other mortal should read it, what do you do with it? by HeavyBlastoise
Craft projects! There are so many cute crafts with book pages but I hate the thought of destroying a book, but if it's bad enough...
bluredditacct t1_ixy0qx9 wrote
Reply to What to do with digital library on kindle by FangFeline
I created their own category called "finished" and just delete them off the Kindle but not the cloud. I also have one named "delete" for all the trash books, usually free or discounted, that I would delete but don't want to be bothered. Also if you delete a book off your Amazon account, which is a total pain to do, it will let you buy it again, if it's not deleted instead of "buy now" it says something like "open book". I tend to be forgetful so that's helpful.
bluredditacct t1_jcljd4i wrote
Reply to Do you ever look up the authors you're reading to get to know them better? by justkeepbreathing94
Absolutely not, at least for fiction. I hate knowing anything, even the author pics. It colors the story for me and I hate it. I start double thinking everything and making assumptions and I'd rather just be entertained.
For non fiction it's fine, and can add to the authenticity of the work.