
bluredditacct t1_jaevwwu wrote

I like the rambling over descriptive language Collins uses, I didn't find it to be that much of a slog. I found it spooky and suspense building.

I never thought any of the characters were really supposed to be likeable, just unique and flawed. It's like a slow motion train wreck.

I really liked the twist, it seems all the more crazy when presented in flowery fancy British English.


bluredditacct t1_ixy0qx9 wrote

I created their own category called "finished" and just delete them off the Kindle but not the cloud. I also have one named "delete" for all the trash books, usually free or discounted, that I would delete but don't want to be bothered. Also if you delete a book off your Amazon account, which is a total pain to do, it will let you buy it again, if it's not deleted instead of "buy now" it says something like "open book". I tend to be forgetful so that's helpful.