
blurubi04 t1_iz9nm7l wrote

Reply to School Board by [deleted]

For educational purposes: I thought she turned her petition in already so she could get in the name drawing for ballot order?


blurubi04 t1_iy8rbrn wrote

Reply to comment by Cold417 in yeah yeah, we've all seen it by Punnchy

Can’t speak for Helloporator, but I’m a stable genius. I’m not making fun of anyone, these folks are a Springfield delight. They bring levity to a dreary day. So give another million to James River so the can bulldoze one of the very few remaining slave quarters.


blurubi04 t1_ix08n1s wrote

Unfortunately, you just have to annoy the city (police and code enforcement) into action. As soon as Housing knows the lease/ voucher holder is not living there, they don’t pay. It’s unusual for H.A.S to pay months in advance. It was probably SAFR or one of the other charities shoving out federal Covid funds. It sucks but there’s little anyone can do.


blurubi04 t1_iuyud3p wrote

Affordable Housing Action Board will be taking applications next Tuesday on a 3/2 universal design new construction. Walk in shower, zero steps, 36” doors etc. less than $900. You have to meet income guidelines. Should be on Craigslist tomorrow. 2925 w Lynn.


blurubi04 t1_iuyplp0 wrote

Listen, your hearts in the right place, but you’re having a temper tantrum about warning everyone to not do what no one is doing. Did you just watch Die Hard or something? Are you really trying to sell us on the idea that an active school shooter is going to have an AR in one hand and r/Springfield MO open in the other so they can get the drop on the boys in blue??!? Come on, Jack…


blurubi04 t1_itr5ouu wrote

Reply to comment by banjomin in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

Exactly what University Heights said 6 years ago.

Look, I hope you are right. But the truth is I could retire if I bet everyone in UH $20 that National &Sunshine would disappear in 4 hours. It’s a don’t say you weren’t warned situation.


blurubi04 t1_itr4jo8 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

I hope so, I truly, earnestly do. My mom’s in University Heights on university in fact. 6 years ago they NIMBYed a place for Mercy patients families to stay and now they have a vacant lot that’s about to be 3 vacant lots… that’s what hard core asshole developers do. If they doze the property, there’s nothing left to fight about. We love Sequoita park and Galloway. I don’t know anything about this developer other than what has been in the local media, but they have adjusted multiple times and are done if this fails.


blurubi04 t1_itqmu5x wrote

Galloway is going to University Heights themselves on this one, you watch. The developer has compromised. If No wins, he sells and the next guy clear cuts the trees and bulldozes every thing. Drive down west bypass before you vote No.