
bmcthomas t1_jaaozan wrote

My boyfriend is hard of hearing and his experiences with CC devices is hit or miss. Often they aren’t charged, and die before the movie is over. Most theaters don’t test them to make sure the movie came with a caption file, is the projection system reading it and sending it to the transmitter, is the reader receiving it from the transmitter? If any part of this process fails - no captions.

Your best bet is to go to a smaller theater, ask to talk to the manager upfront, educate them about the devices and how they work, and build a relationship with them.


bmcthomas t1_jaaobzb wrote

Being hard of hearing isn’t just about volume. It’s also about clarity. Some HoH people can’t hear certain pitches, or they hear low tones so well that they can’t hear anything else… it’s really not enough to just use headphones.