
bobpetersen55 t1_j6ih83m wrote

When I watched this recently, a quote stood out to me where the doctor asks him if he is alright and he said "yeah!". Then the doctor followed up with: "Yeah, you're alright. You're alive." It was just so simple and a heartwarming piece of dialogue that easily can get lost in a movie but meant a lot.


bobpetersen55 t1_iu44fhm wrote

I loved this movie! It's such a well crafted movie and I love the 'Rashomon' style the story employs. Philip Seymour Hoffman stole the show and his meltdown in the second half, as tragic as it was, is quite sardonic. But an excellent swansong this was for Sidney Lumet, reminding us why he was one of the greatest directors of his time. An underrated, overlooked gem that was a highlight of that year's best. It deserves to be checked out and discovered.


bobpetersen55 t1_itowhns wrote

I watched this for the first time last week and the ending, specifically the last five minutes, felt out of place. Maybe besides shrinking down Grillo's role, Gerard Butler had a hand in making that ambiguous ending on the highway with him and the cop waiting in the ambulance. It was just an odd way to finish a great movie and it felt like it was tacked on or reshoot in post production. That's just my take on this whole debacle.