
bobsizzle t1_jadinn3 wrote

New Hampshire would probably suit you better. Sincerely. It's similar to Vermont in enough of the ways you want. Or Maine. Just don't live by the coast and hurricanes won't be a big issue. If you're that concerned about potential weather in 30 year's. Guestimates that are likely inaccurate at best. There's also no income tax in New Hampshire, from wages. Or sales tax.


bobsizzle t1_j8a0tb6 wrote

I agree that voting should be made easier. For everyone. But I do agree IDs should be required. Politicians have long Jerry rigged elections, that's not new or even just a republican thing. Whether it's counting Dead people in votes or redrawing districts to suit your party. There should be an even amount of polling stations, based on population density. That would solve a lot of those problems. There are problems in the way elections are handled.

I'm actually someone who's lived down south and many other places and am well aware of politicians finding legal ways to abuse the system. Term limits would be nice, but I don't see anyone calling for that. Neither party. Everyone in Congress is a corrupt piece of crap. Nancy pelosi Acts pious, but her husband seems to be one of the greatest stock traders out there. Or it's because his wife has a high position in Congress so he has knowledge of things days or week's before the public. Same with the rest of Congress. Anyone who doesn't want term limits In Congress is corrupt. But that's beside the point.

I have actually had to wait to vote. Much longer then 10 minutes, but not too often because I usually live in rural communities or small towns. And yes, in white areas, I've had long waits, especially in elections with larger then expected turnouts.

I am certain there is fraud in every election. But I've never seen wide spread fraud. Not in recent memory anyway. But if there was, you might not hear about it in an environment of censorship. Hunter Bidens laptop was evidence of censorship. But I'd still agree there probably wasn't a widespread fraud to get a demented joe Biden elected. I think that was more people voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Which is still ridiculous. Why can't there actually be good candidates? There rarely are. It's just power hungry and corrupt people.

And I don't think any teacher should be talking about their personal life in class. I don't think I ever once heard anything about my teachers relationships, family, nothing. I don't mind them banning that, but if they do for LGBTQ teachers, it should be for everyone. Teachers should just be teaching kids about math and science and reading and the typical, necessary things. But again, it's not a right to be able to teach kids anything outside of a curriculum. I don't want kids learning religion in school either.


bobsizzle t1_j89wrgd wrote

Sexual orientation is a protected class. You can't legally be fired because of it. That's federal. Which overrides state law.

And law's regarding healthcare, particularly children, are the same. The law doesn't allow any children to undergo those surgeries, in those states. Or am I wrong about that? Whether they identify as trans or not. You're still not being specific and if there are specific laws in those states that say a gay person can be fired, in law or if it's just in practice, the federal courts would side with them. It is illegal to deny someone a job or housing , as the fair housing act protects them as well.

And education should focus on necessary skills. No rights are being taken away. Education is supposed to be equal. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn the same thing. Taking away someones right to education would be not allowing Black kids in school. Or not allowing them to attend a school with white's. Or not giving them the same curriculum as white people. Deciding not to teach everyone something added, is not denying anyone their rights. That's a different argument about what you think students should be taught. That's an argument worth having. But it is not the same as denying anyone's federally protected rights.


bobsizzle t1_j857zxr wrote

Some of that is actually the fault of the democratic party. They were funneling money to crazy Republicans in order to give the democratic candidate a better chance. It might have backfired a few times if the crazy one still got elected over their democratic candidate.

And you have crazy democrats. Maybe you just don't think they're crazy because you like their views. Someone who favors transitioning children might not like certain republicans. Someone who disagrees with that, might not like the democrat who supports it. Some people think Bernie is crazy. Apparently, even in the party he caucuses with. The democrats kneecapped him twice. Joe Biden is a documented liar with a history of racist comments and they still preferred him over Bernie. That should show who really runs the country. it's the wealthy.


bobsizzle t1_j82wbl4 wrote

I wonder why..... pandemic on top of social media. Social media makes bullying easier and more relentless. When I was in school, you didn't see anyone pretty much all summer. Now you have people dming you to say how gay you look all year. On top of the added pressure of fitting in, getting likes and views and trying to one up people. I'm sure it's even worse than I imagine. Kid's are assholes and psychopaths.


bobsizzle t1_j6o3d19 wrote

It also has More people. So more places for shitty people. Compared to its surrounding towns. Other towns are smaller or have wealthier people or are college towns or resort towns. Rutland also has a train station used by drug dealers who set up shop locally.

Sounds like Rutland needs another type of train station....


bobsizzle t1_j6ceooe wrote

Don't towns have nuisance or noise ordinances? That could be considered both.

Outside of doing something to your neighbors, you might need to get some ear plugs. It's not the dogs fault its owner's are poor white trash.

You could try feeding it.


bobsizzle t1_j62wbdx wrote

Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Teacher moving to VT by thebaerfetus

There are bad teachers too. I think in the past, teachers were trusted more. And parents didn't spoil their dumb kids. Now, some teachers have an agenda and some parents think their overweight 10 year old is a perfect angel and smart to boot. It's tough teaching kid's whose attention span is as long as something on TikTok. And too dumb to realize it. We need good teachers and the good ones should be rewarded with higher compensation.


bobsizzle t1_j5vp6vy wrote

There is a seed of Truth in everything. And just because war isn't declared, doesn't mean war isn't being waged. I got called a transphobe for not wanting to date a chick with a D. I won't be guilted into something. That would be like me calling a lesbian out for not dating me. People have preferences. People are crazy these days. There are probably people who want power and control. Big tech censored opinion And even facts for years. Still probably does. The government is full of criminals it's easy to take something and latch on to it. Everyone wants to be a victim or wants attention. Social media is creating a world of stupid people and mentally ill. It drives almost any negative you can think of. You can find a reason to hate anyone on social media. It's one reason I don't use tik Tok or Instagram or anything else really.

And all corporate media is a joke. They all have an agenda outside of reporting the news.


bobsizzle t1_j5v462w wrote

Historical doesn't equate to current, necessarily. I think it's more complicated than that. I know well to do Asians in no fear of losing social or economic status that don't like blacks. China is seriously racist against Africans. I personally think most of what drives racism today is a dislike or hatred of culture. The few white racists I've known don't like ghetto culture. I've been super poor and wasn't fighting blacks. I'm sure at one time, there was more animosity due to blacks and immigrants fighting over the same small piece of pie in the decades after the civil war, but this isn't that. Even if that exists on some localized level in some state, white racists in Vermont aren't fighting with black people over social or economic status. I get your point, but I don't think it's the driver of racism today that you might think.


bobsizzle t1_j5v0vrg wrote

I hope it works out for you. It's awesome you're supporting your husband that way. I don't think you'll have any issue as far as many people being absolutely unwelcoming. I certainly Hope not. Vermont seems generally friendly, assuming you're not trying to change the state too much. I hear that about the NEK, but I imagine, even at it's worse, it's not a bunch of people riding around on horseback wearing white robes. I think it's more people who make their opinions known. If that makes sense. Maybe a few who might make a derogatory remark. But from my experience, Vermont unintentionally exaggerates any negatives. Something really bad for Vermont is relatively minor compared to somewhere else. A bad crime year in Vermont is a weekend on just the south side of Chicago. That type of thing. That may be an over simplification, but you get the idea. The racism I've seen in Vermont is far less than the racism I'd see as a white kid playing street ball on a court in southern California in the 1990s. I used to get called Casper a lot. Or Opie Taylor. Or Woody. Lots of white men can't jump references.It's easy enough to shrug off. You can't fix stupid. It was always easier to confront racism with kindness. It's usually not something they expect and you might feel better about yourself. But I honestly don't think you need to worry much here. Be kind, be considerate of vermonts culture and be yourself. Don't let a few issues scare you off. It's a great place to raise kids.


bobsizzle t1_j5uvbsf wrote

You might get more issues from people mad about remote workers moving here and Driving up costs than actual issues with overt racism. Vermont isn't cheap. Cost of living is on the higher side. It's more isolated than Michigan. It's Cold, but you're probably used to that. I think overall you'll be welcome in Vermont, but sometimes all it takes is a few people to make you want to leave. I'm sorry if I missed it, but what made you decide on Vermont? There are both positives and negatives. For most, being cold , sometimes for more than half the year, is enough to make people regret it. Vermont can be a little boring. But that's what I like about it. It's one of the safest states though and one of the better States to raise a family.

Also, if you do move here, try not to attempt to change it. People hate that. People move here and think they know better . Vermont is unique and most want it to stay that way. I agree with that. Otherwise, why move here? I think you'll do well and be welcomed. I'd recommend learning about Vermont's uniqueness and trying to adapt to it. It's a beautiful state. If you do come across racism, try not to let it get to you. It's not representative of Vermont. It exists everywhere, from every culture. I've lived all over and seen it in every form. Even in Michigan. I'm living near Rutland now. It has a reputation, but compared to other places, it's nothing. Killington is Nice. A bit overpriced. Rutland would probably be your best option. It's close to Killington and has amenities. There are other small towns around it. You could look out at Castleton too. I can't accurately comment on the schools. But as far as I know, they're not terrible.


bobsizzle t1_j5uqqdj wrote

How do you explain the racists of other colors then? I know plenty of Asians who don't like blacks. Same with Latinos. There are blacks that hate White people. Lots who hate Asians. I don't think I've ever seen as many assaults on Asians by blacks as much as I have in the past couple of years. There are even black people who don't like darker people. Plenty of bias when it comes to light skin vs dark skin in the black and Latino community.

I've heard white guys complaining about blacks taking all the jobs too. I think it was Archie bunker....


bobsizzle t1_j4somoj wrote

Again, it's not a debate. It's about self respect. They're letting someone else control their lives. Even if they lose the game, they still stood up for themselves.

And they're playing sports because they want to. No one is forcing anyone to play. In this matter, self respect should motivate them not to quit because some people are mean to them. This isn't 'shut up and play ' . That's stupid. They should speak up AND play. You're alluding to the NBA taking a stand. I don't remember any NBA teams forfeiting any Celtics games over racist fans.

I don't care if they play or not. They're not that good and it makes no difference what they do as far as the game. But In life, not playing a team because some people are racist doesn't help anything. Play them. Speak out. Forfeiting is letting them win and doesn't change anything. I don't know what these parents and students are saying. I imagine the worst. But MLK didn't stop protesting because people called him names. If you want to make a stand, actually stand up. Win or lose, showing up and speaking out makes a stronger point then not showing at all. Especially if they like to play.

I used to play on courts in California in the 90s and I'm white and I heard all kinds of names and white men can't jump references. I didn't care enough to quit. Trash talk or racism, or both, I don't know. You get respect for not quitting. I get why they don't want to play. But I don't think it's the right choice.


bobsizzle t1_j4scwn1 wrote

You're advocating for them to let someone pressure them not to play. They can do what they want, but they're letting supposed racists dictate their life to them. There's a benefit to showing up and confronting bullies. There really isn't any benefit to forfeiting a game. It makes them look weak and scared to get their feelings hurt. And those are kids that grow up to be weak individuals. Or reliant on others. fight your battles and don't let words control you.

No one should pressure the kids to play. They should already know what to do. If they can't stand up for themselves, they are already lost.