
bobsizzle t1_j4savpg wrote

There's no debate. It's just shutting them up by showing up. Beating them is great, but standing up to them is better. Not playing is probably a win for the racists. They get the victory if you forfeit and the racists are happy you're not there. I wouldn't let a few people and a few words stop me from doing anything. There is no victory in that. Why hide from bullies?


bobsizzle t1_j45iwso wrote

I've lived in the country, outside of super Small towns, in regions with similar population densities as Vermont and utilities were far less expensive. 12 cent kwh power and water bills around 25 a month. I thought solar would have paid for itself by now. Something stinks in Vermont.


bobsizzle t1_j1gximh wrote

Yes. Customers at Walmart. And it's not just winter. It's pretty much year around. People don't seem to take as much pride in their appearance as they used To. Put on a clean shirt. Comb your hair. You don't have to dress like you're homeless. You'd be surprised by how often people don't seem to even wear deodorant. It's gross. Natural deodorant has come a Long way. You can try to make a living and still have the ability to not look like you don't bathe. There are so many places to get free clothes that aren't torn, if you're that poor. It's just that many people don't take pride in how they look. Regardless of fashion choices. Make an effort.

I know what negative 15 feels like BTW. I've lived in Vermont for a few years and other places that are just as cold. I still make an effort to not stink or look like I live under a bridge.


bobsizzle t1_j1gvn9i wrote

Bum style is pretty accurate. Just because it's cold doesn't mean you can't make an effort. When it's super Cold, you can layer or wear a parka. I do. I dress like a bum at home, but a little effort goes a long way in public. And it's not just winter. I see it all year. Of course not everyone, but it's growing. Look at old pictures and you see people wearing decent attire. Now you see people in pajamas at Walmart. Lots of slobs out there. Especially guys. Fat asses in stained tshirts and baggy sweatpants. I'll give girls a pass in pajamas. They usually try to make an effort.

I'm of course speaking in general terms, but southern girls are more fun lol. Laid back, like to party, don't mind getting dirty and sound as Purdy as a peach. But also try to look Good as much as possible. Maybe it's the cold, Maybe it's the culture. Vermont should share a lot in common with most other rural states, but it' doesn't. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

You might be a little more unique than others in Vermont. I don't know a lot of people who own a pair of boots, let alone multiple. You can still wear boots for half a year. That's what I do. And during winter, I wear other types of insulated boots with good vibram soles, but I only wear snow boots when I'm shoveling. There actually are cowboy boots suited for winter, but they don't match well with my parka. And I like exotic leathers that don't do well in the wet Snow. Snake skin especially. But they do with denim jackets. I'm not going to adapt to Vermont's style. I like my style and not looking like everyone else. Some people like to fit in though and feel awkward if they don't. I've lived all over the country. New England was just one of the last few regions I hadn't called home, so I picked Vermont. Almost every place has something good about it. Vermont has its charm. And not quite as gossipy as down south. Or if it is, they're better at hiding it. Down south, there's always someone up in your business.

Don't be salty though. :) What's fun to me might just be a skank to someone else. One that happens to like shotguns. To be fair, Vermont girls are probably fun in their own way. Maybe I don't know enough of them to make that judgment. And Fry Boots are good boots. And I love a good thrift find. I've picked up a number of gently used caimen, python and ostrich boots for a song. Some people buy a pair, wear them once to go to a show or wedding and decide maybe cowboy boots are not for them. It's cool. Someone has to wear Chelsea boots.


bobsizzle t1_j1brjbn wrote

He might dress like that and feel weird continuing to do so when no one else is. I consider small things when I move. it's a comment on culture. Not everyone knows what Vermont culture is. It's pretty low key. Up until recently, you would only hear about Vermont in shows taking place in NYC because they'd talk about skiing or vacations in Vermont.

And it's not even a wild West thing. Pretty much rural areas outside the northeast, you'll see cowboy Boots with some regularity. It's farm and ranch culture. Vermont is rural, but has a weird farm culture. More hippie, less cowboy. Kind of boring. Heck, doesn't even seem really all that hippieish anymore. More modern. I


bobsizzle t1_j1a8hzo wrote

It depends where you end up. Closer to Burlington, rent is higher. You can commute though. Vermont is older. Girls down south are more fun. I rarely see cowboy boots and I've never seen anyone wear a cowboy hat. If you don't care about that stuff, and you care more about the politics, and can get over the Cold for half the year, Vermont is Nice. Summers are great. The cost of living will be higher. There are trade offs. It just depends on what's important to you. Generally speaking, Vermont is nice. It could be better though.


bobsizzle t1_j1a5vpd wrote

Is this the dogs, planet of the apes moment? If so, we're all doomed. Years of feeding dogs the same crap dry dog food is returning to bite us in the ass, like a dog bites a postman.


bobsizzle t1_j15mw59 wrote

Why would you work 5 weeks in a job you know is temporary and try to collect unemployment? Whether it's legal or not, that feels pretty scammy. Unemployment should be for people who have jobs and are laid off without fault or expectation. You know the job is ending and Is only temporary. I don't think you're entitled to anything. There are plenty of full time Jobs out there.


bobsizzle t1_j11lsdg wrote

It was supposed to be a teachable lesson for the little ones. It's a school, after all. Look before you leap... otherwise they'll learn the hard way, when kids start saying little Timmy smells or Timmy pooped his pants. He'll be the class stinky kid and that's all they'll remember him for all Year.


bobsizzle t1_j0ju5ru wrote

Bcbsvt. My work pays for 80 percent of mine though. So for my wife and I, about 320 a month. Benefits are something to consider when looking for employment. I wish healthcare was cheaper and I could just pocket the other 80 percent, but that's greed and politics.


bobsizzle t1_izza9hs wrote

Reply to comment by TDGroupie in A very Bernie Christmas by Otter-ific

That kinda depends on who you ask. Some democratic socialist want all out socialism. Some reject capitalism. I won't say those forms of government don't have their merits. Capitalism has it's merits too. Although I think resources should belong to the people and all profit from natural resources on public land should go to the government coffers. Instead of royalty payments.

And saying Bernie is Rich, isn't misinformation. He is a millionaire. But I don't hold that against him. I like Bernie. Even if he has lived off of the tax payers for half his life. I'd prefer term limits in Congress, but without those, I'd rather have a voice like Bernie's over some other standard Republican or Democrat. I think Bernie means well. Even if he personally benefits from his career.


bobsizzle t1_izyzbzm wrote

Reply to comment by TDGroupie in A very Bernie Christmas by Otter-ific

You're referring to the quality of life in those countries. I am Norwegian. To imply the quality of life is better isn't straight forward. My point is, if America spent the percentage of GDP that Scandinavian countries spend we could spend more improving quality of life here. But it's not all roses in those countries. Hardly anyone lives there and it's not a fair comparison. I like Bernie, but he's made a small fortune from capitalism.


bobsizzle t1_izykl0y wrote

Reply to comment by TDGroupie in A very Bernie Christmas by Otter-ific

It's not that simple. For one, Norway has a small population with a lot of oil. And most of these countries spend little on their militaries. The US could stop spending to protect Europe and use that money on other things. America tried to be the world's police and it came at a cost. We need to stop spending billions to defend other countries that don't pay their share. NATO is mostly a bunch of hanger ons. If America cut military spending to below the 2 percent, or even to 1: percent GDP that some NATO countries spend, we'd save hundreds of billions a year.


bobsizzle t1_izq7ial wrote

They're all about the same. Different deals, different weeks. One might carry something another doesn't. It's worth shopping around. If you want generally lower prices but with fewer options, Aldi might be your best bet.


bobsizzle t1_izp58i4 wrote

Energy costs in Vermont are ridiculous. Oil is nuts. Electricity is higher than most other states. Cost of living makes a middle class salary feel poor. sometimes you make a little too much to qualify for some of the programs poorer people get, but have a similar lifestyle because of subsidized food, heat, medical, etc. Maybe you have 2 cars instead of 1.

Heating the room you're in is sometimes the way to go. My basement stays well above freezing, where most of my pipes reside. I've never had a pipe freeze, but if that is an issue, get some heat tape or insulation for your pipes. I turn my heat off if I'm gone all day. But it does suck to still spend a ton to live in a house that isn't freezing, but definitely isn't comfortable. A good sweater and warm socks help.