
boochyfliff t1_jb0tm6w wrote

The treaty hasn't been signed yet - while the final text has been agreed, it has not yet been formally adopted (this will happen in a separate meeting).

Following this, the treaty is open for signing by countries, which generally signals their intention to participate, but this is not binding. For signing countries to be bound by the treaty they need 'ratify' it, which they have to do according to their own national laws/procedures, which can be lengthy. If the country agrees to ratify the treaty, they will then be bound to the treaty. But there are often countries that have signed treaties but not ratified them (e.g. the US is signatory to a number of international agreements, but the Senate has rejected a number of proposals to ratify them).

So essentially: there is no list yet and it will be some time before we understand which countries are bound to this treaty.