
bookon t1_j3m2zw7 wrote

>The people that need this information are not going to be interested in a subreddit named r/science


"The people that need this information are not going to be interested changing any of their views simply because they are in a subreddit named r/science."

Opinions not formed using reason can't be changed by it.


bookon t1_izaksie wrote

No... They are lying and you seem to want to be lied too, but what I said was that getting multiple ballots isn't fraud. There are safeguards to keep people from submitting multiple ballots from the same person. And other safeguards keep those ballots from being counted.


bookon t1_iz9pcj4 wrote

>It’s a concern that people reported receiving multiple ballots for old household residents

That doesn't mean they will accept more than one per person.

They are LYING to you to make you afraid so you'll be ok when they attack voting. And it's clearly working.


bookon t1_iz9i2bu wrote

Listen, the issue is that the Trump wing of the GOP says EVERY election they lose was rigged and you guys believe them.

So then they move to hand counting and they use the extra time that takes as proof of cheating.

The truth is is that MAGA folks don't believe in voting. They think the 'other side' winning IS CHEATING.

They just want their candidates installed into office. They hate democrats so much they hate democracy if it lets democrats win.


There are no democrats that bad. You need to both side this so you can lie to yourself that you don't support people who would destroy our republic and create a dictatorship if they could.


bookon t1_iz66w2h wrote

>by Kamala and other dems to be fearful of electronic voting machines

They did? I have no memory of this.

And we know there was very little fraud because every court and trumps own DOJ found this. You will now pivot and attack them as not being loyal to Trump or something...


bookon t1_iz5r9nh wrote

'Who said because one person voted we should overturn the election?"

Anyone who wants the 2020 election overturned. Essentially. There was very little fraud and none of it changed any outcomes.

>> Right but the one where people are overstaying their visas

Mmmm... the GOP refused immigration reform. Period. They need to have the topic to anger their voters.


bookon t1_iz5dfs2 wrote

"One voter fraud is one too many. "

I agree but you using that to overturn the election and installing Trump president by 'terminating" the constitution seems like an overreaction.

”ohh you want a secure border?…Racist.”

If you're ONLY focused on the Mexican Border and not the Canadian one or people over staying visas, then people might see you as racist. That is true.


bookon t1_iz4rv4r wrote

" The point is it appears easy to commit voter fraud"

You are brainwashed by the right wing news bubble and it's hopeless to try and make you understand.

Voter fraud is rare. You see one case of it and that makes you think it's the tip of an iceberg because the people who decide what you think want you to think that. That's how propaganda works.


bookon t1_iz1qivp wrote

Ok did Hillary concede? Yes. Did Trump? No. Hillary complained and Trump tried to end the republic so it’s not the same. You need it to be so your guys don’t see as extreme. You can’t admit you support people who would end democracy if they could.


bookon t1_iz15zpl wrote

It matters if one party is always claiming fraud AND it's members are getting arrested for committing that fraud.

What is actually happening is that people are being told democrats are cheating so they themselves go out and cheat to 'even the odds' and then get arrested because it's easy to tell if cheating is going on.