
booksareadrug t1_jcyvvku wrote

I grew up in Vermont and now live in central New York state. I've started looking for a house out here and I check the Vermont real estate market occasionally to see what prices are. It's ridiculous and will only get more so unless more housing gets built.

So yes, Vermont needs to grow. Or else the population will drop as no one will be able to afford to live there.


booksareadrug t1_j3k8ulc wrote

I unfortunately do not have access to that data and have no interest in googling it for you.

But I will point out that, even in YOUR comment with the stupid options, you said both result in some deaths. It's just that one option results in improved working conditions for hideously overworked nurses, while the other lets the status quo stand. Obviously the pro-nurse side will want the nurses to get relief. It's not both sidesing it to acknowledge that deaths will happen while stating that it's still the better outcome. Isn't that what you want? That acknowledgment?