
bored0327 t1_j1lm0jx wrote

Up early, coffee and my prescription!!! Teen is already awake, 4yr old girl decided she didnt want to go to sleep on time so trying to let her sleep in a bit. Ham steak for breakfast. We started doing non traditional Christmas dinner 3 yrs ago. We love it. So tonight is my wife's bbq bacon string cheese meatloaf, homemade mash and gravy. Tomorrows meatloaf sandwiches with fried onions on top. Gonna try to do some wood turning today since its gonna be warmer!!


bored0327 t1_j1lku03 wrote

Hang in there. I've been sober 10 months and yea it sucks at the holidays. Alot of people dont understand how difficult it is on a daily basis when it is merchandised basically everywhere you look. Stay strong for you and enjoy the holidays as best you can.


bored0327 t1_j1hmq9f wrote

Cold but yes. Emergency heat on but at least we still have power. Have a few things to do and top of the list is breakfast and adult time. At least that's my plan not sure what she gotta do but hopefully its 1 or both of those. Merry Christmas Eve and stay warm.